Page 236 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 236

MONTREAL.                             247

          JOHN                   KER                & Cos

       THE  Subscribers  would  respectfully  inform  the  Public  of  CANADA  and the  "UNITED
       STATES,  that  they  have  now  perfected  their  arrangements  and  Machinery,  for  the
       manufacture  of  that  truly  delicious  and  refreshing  beverage,  which  they  have, for the
       first time, introduced  upon this  Continent,
               THE       ESSENCE           OF     COFFEE.
      This article, which is manufactured by them in Montreal, under the direct superintendence
      of  the  original inventor, Mr.  Fulton,  is  produced  from  the  very  purest  Java  and
      Mocha  Coffees, and is so concentrated, both  as regards strength  and  sweetness, that  all
       which  is required to furnish  a most excellent cup  of  Coffee,  is to add  two  teaspoonsfull
       of the  Essence to an  ordinary  sized  breakfast  cup, and fill up  with  boiling water.
         Ttie  E s s e n c e  Of* Coffee  will  be  found  peculiarly  advantageous  to  Hotel
       Keepers,  as it  furnishes  at  all times,  the  very  best  description  of beverage, without a
       moment's loss  of time, and it is  well known, that  Coffee made in the ordinary way, and al-
      lowed to stand for any considerable length of time, loses in a great degree, both its  refreshing
      and aromatic qualities.  Travellers, also, who are about to visit the less frequented portions
       of the  country, will find it to  conduce  greatly to  their  comfort,  to  carry  a  case  of  the
       Essence  of  Coffee  with them,  as they  will  require  only  a little  boiling water,  (which
       article at least  can  always be  obtained,)  to furnish  themselves with the required  refresh-
       ment, a desideratum  which  will not be  overlooked, nor thought lightly  of, by those whose
       experience in travelling has been  acquired  out  of the  ordinarily  frequented  routes.
         On the  above grounds  of  usefulness,  convenience  and comfort,  to which  may be  ad-
      ded the fact  of the article being  one of  H o m e  M a n u f a c t u r e ,  the  proprietors are
       induced  to hope that  it will  come into extensive  use  in the Province, and  will  be at  all
      times prepared to furnish  it to  order in  any  required  quantities at wholesale, at  their

         N. B.  A  liberal discount made to the Trade  in Town and  Country.  Numerous  certificates  of  the
      excellence  and salubrity  of  the article which they  furnish,  from  parties of  the highest  respectability,
      and standing, Medical Men and  othens, the British  and  Canadian Press, &c,  can be seen  at their  office.
         NONE    CENU.NE    EXCEPT     S.CNED,                           ^

                                              Common Street,  Canal  Wharf,  Montreal.
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