Page 234 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 234

MONTREAL.                            245

         Mnknl Ctp

      THE  undersigned  avails  himself  of this  opportunity  to  remind  the  Printers  of the
      British  North  American  Provinces, that  he  continues  to manufacture  type  in all its
      varieties, and in order to keep  up with  the times, he has lately  introduced  SCOTCH
      FACES   of BOOK  LETTER   into  his  establishment,  which,  with  other  extensive
      improvements, affords the Printer  all he can desire in his line.
        The  following  American  manufacturers  continue their accounts with this Foundry:—

                                  OF  NEW  YORK,

                    MESSRS.       WELLS        & WEBB,

                                  OF  NEW YORK,

                       MR.    GEORGE        MATHER,

                                  OF  NEW YORK,
      PRINTING-INK          MANUFACTURER,              of all Colors:

                     MESSRS.      L.  JOHNSON       &   Co.,
                                 OF  PHILADELPHIA,.

      of whose manufacture a general and well  selected  assortment is kept constantly on hand.
        The  above-named  houses are so well known, that  it is unnecessary  to  make  any re-
      marks on the excellence  of their  manufactures.
        The  convenience that the Printers of Canada now have  in being able to purchase at
      their  own  doors all they can require  to  furnish  or renew an Office  will be apparent  to
      all |  while the
                 (tamfo            f  up?

      a branch of this Establishment  under  the management  of Mr. D.K.FEEHAN,  Agentj,
      Front  street,  Toronto, places  the Printers of  each  section  of the Province  upon  an
      equally  favourable  footing.
        OLD  TYPE  taken in exchange  for new without any deduction  for dross, at 5d per lb..
        20 per cent  charged on American  imports to cover Duties, Freight, &c.
                                          CHARLES    T.  PALSGRAVE,
        Montreal, 1851.                Comer  of St. Helen  and Lemoine streets.
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