Page 241 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 241
St. Joseph street, 2nd, from McGill street, west to the city boundary, St. Joseph suburb.
St. Lambert street, from Notre Dame street, north to Craig street, centre ward.
St. Lawrence street, from Craig street, north to the city boundary, St. Lawrence suburb.
Ht. Lewis street, from Sanguinet street, east to Campeau street, east ward.
St. Mary street, from Dalhousie square, east to the city boundary, Quebec suburb.
St. Maurice street, from McGill street, west to Chaboillez street, Recollet suburb.
St. Monique street, from St. Antoine street, north to McGill's farm, St. Antoine suburb.
St. Nicholas street, from St. Sacrament street, south to St Paul street, west ward.
St. Nicholas Tolentin street, from Water street, north to Lagauchetiere street, Que-
bec suburb.
St. Paul street, from Dalhousie square, west to McGill street.
St. Patrick street, south of the Canal, above the Wellington bridge.
St. Peter street, from Foundling street, north to Craig street, west ward.
St. Sacrament street, from St. Francois Xavier street, west to St. Peter street, west ward.
St. Simeon street, from Dorchester street, north to St. Catherine street, St. Law-
rence suburb.
St. Therese street, from St. Gabriel street, east to St. Vin6ent street, east ward.
St. Urbain street, from Craig street, north to St. Catherine street, St. Lawrence suburb.
St. Vincent street, from Notre Dame street, south to St. Paul street, east ward.
Sydenham street, from Lagauchetiere street, north to St. Catherine street, Que-
bec suburb.
Union avenue, from Dorchester street, north to Sherbrooke street, St. Antoine suburb.
University street, from Dorchester street, north to Sherbrooke street, St. Antoine suburb.
Vallee street, from St. Simeon street, east to Philip street, St. Lawrence suburb.
Victoria road, from Queen's square, north to the city boundary, Quebec suburb.
Victoria street, from Cathcart street, north to Sherbrooke street, St. Antoine suburb.
Viger square, on St. Denis street, near St. Lewis street.
Visitation street, from St. Mary street, north to the city boundary, Quebec suburb.
Vitre street, from Bleury street, east to Viger square, St. Denis street, St. Lawrence suburb.
Voltigeurs street, from Water street, north to Lagauchetidre street, Quebec suburb.
"Water street, from Commissioners street, east to the city boundary, on the river side.
Wellington street, from Grey Nun street, west to the city boundary, St. Ann's suburb.
"William street, from McGill street, west to the city boundary, St. Ann's suburb.
Wolfe street, from St. Mary street, north to Lagauchetiere street, Quebec suburb.
Woodyard street, from St. Paul street, south to Water street.
Youville street, from Common street, west to Grey Nun street, west ward.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Emily, County ofVictoria, C. W.—distant from Peterboro', 15
miles—usual stage fare, 2s. 6d. Population of the Township 2461.
GRAND, R., postmaster.
Balfour, Gabriel, carpenter. Hoyland, Abraham, carpenter.
Beatty, William, general store, Hilliard, William, general store.
Blackwell, Edward, innkeeper. Irons, Dr. John, M. D.
Cottingham, William, J. P. Knowlson, Christopher, J. P., general merchant,
Davey, William W., blacksmith. and agent St. Lawrence Insurance Co.
Davidson, Mrs., innkeeper. Matchitt, W. & T., general store.
Finch, Henry, carpenter. M'Mullen, Rev. Thomas, Wesleyan.
Goodliffe, John, carpenter. Parker, M. P., general store.
Harding, Rev. Robert, Church of England. Sannley, William, miller.
Harkness, David, innkeeper. Woods, William, blacksmith.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Logan, County of Perth, C. W.—distant from
Stratford, 12 miles, from Goderich, 33 miles—usual stage fare to Goderich, 6s. 3d., to Strat-
ford, 2s. 6d., to Gait, 10s., to Hamilton, 15s. Population about 150.
Baker, George, shoemaker. j Ball, William, common school master.