Page 231 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 231

342                          MONTREAL.

        WotriD  invite the attention  of the Trade to their  Extensive  Stock of Manufactured  GOODS, -which
         they are prepared to offer to Wholesale purchasers  on the meet liberal terms, viz:—
                       Common, Liverpool, No. 1 Pale Yellow, White and Castile.
                                   F4NCY    SOAP,
         Old Brown and White Windsor,  Variegated, Almond,  Vegetable,  Rose, and a great variety of Fancy
         and Shaving Soaps.
                               LABOUR-SAVING      SOAP,
         Crane's  Patent  Premium.  The greatest  discovery  in the art of Soap-making,  and likely  SOOB to
         supersede the use of other Soap altogether.
                                 TALLOW    CANDLES.
                            PATENT    REFINED   CANDLES,
                                      Metallic  Wicks.
                              PATENT   WAX CANDLES,
            An  excellent article, free  from  smoke or smell, and as economical to use as Tallow  Mould.
                            BELMONT SPERM CANDLES,
         Warranted  superior to any imported, being made  from  better  Stock, consume their wick, burn longer,
         and sold at lower prices.
                               IMPROVED     LARD OIL
         Of the finest quality,  equal to Sperm  for Burning,  also  for Machinery and Woollens, being  manoftc
        tured without  acids  or other  pernicious  ingredients.  Reference  can be given to the different  Steam-
         boat and Railway  Companies,  who pronounce it the best and purest  Oil in »se.
          For the greater  convenience  of their  Customers (the Factory  being at a distance),  Orders  mxjht
        left at the Stores of

                        2 1 6  S T .  P A U L    S T R E E T ,
        Where Samples can be seen, and Purchases made on the same terms as at their  Office^
            Steam  Soap and Candle  Works,  Inspector  Street.

                            PATENT         PREMIUM
             LABOUR-SAVING                                 SOAP.

        To this Popular and Celebrated  SOAP was awarded the First  Premium and a Diploma over all other
        competitors  at the NEW YORK  STATE  FAIR  held  in Albany  in September  last;  but the bart
        testimonial in its favour is the personal  experience  of those  who use it.  All say it is the most effec-
        tual,  safe,  time  and labour-saving  preparation  ever  introduced.  There are none  of the deleterious
        articles  in this  Soap  which  are used  in the miserable  fluids,  powders, and imitation  labour-saving
        Soap, so forced  upon this community, and which are calculated to destroy the texture  of the Clothes
        washed with them, but the Chemical  Preparation  of this Soap is perfectly healthy, and is warranted
        not to injure the finest fabric.
          Owing to the increased  demand, the PRICE has been REDUCED.  Each bar is stamped with the
        Manufacturer's  name.
         Sold Wholesale and to the Trade only, at the Manufactory,  and at the Stores of
                 C.  BOCKUS, 216 St. Paul Street.
        By Retail at the Principal Grocery Establishments in the City.
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