Page 237 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 237

248                          MONTREAL.
             TORRY,              CLARKE,               &     CO.

                 emir    general         <0>ro«r.g       Jttmfyante,

       HAVING  had  long experience  in the trade, invite the attention  of the  public of Canada.
       Their  stock, in  all  its details  is  extensive  and  well  assorted,  and  having been  selected
       by  a  competent  agent,  and purchased  at the very lowest  market  rates  for  cash,  will en-
       able  them, to  give every  satisfaction.
         All  kinds  of produce consigned  to their  care  for sale, will meet with  the best attention.
         Their  wines and  liquors  can  be  had  in  bond.
                                   WIRE  WORKER.
       RICE, W.  H.,  23 Notre Dame  st.—sieves,  meat  safes,  riddles,  fenders,  &c,  and wire
           cloth  of the  best  quality  always  on  hand ;  bell-hanging  promptly  attended to.
                          WOODEN  WARE  AND  CLOCK  STORE.
       NELSON  & BUTTERS,  dealers  in  wooden  ware,  clocks,  brooms,  and  general  house  fur-
           nishing  articles, 22  McGill  st.

          SOLE         AGENT             IN     MONTREAL

       through Gateways opposite the Methodist Church  and the Messrs. Arthurs, respectively.
                          GUIDE  TO THE  STBEETS  OF MONTREAL.
           Note.—In  the  following  Guide,  Sherbrooke  street  is  taken  as the  northern,  and the
       River  as the  southern  boundary  of the  city \  and the  streets  are  described  as  running
       north,  south, east, or  west, as they  lie in  relation  to  those lines.
       Acqueduc  street,  from  the  Canal,  north  to  Dorchester  street,  St.  Ann's,  St.  Joseph
          and  St. Antoine  suburbs.
       Albert  place,  on  the  comer  of  Lagauchetiere  and  St.  Urbain  streets,  St.  Lawrence
       Albert  street,  from  Colborne  avenue  to Gain  street,  Quebec  suburb.
       Alexis  street,  from  St.  Sacrament  street,  north  to  Notre  Dame  street,  west  ward.
       Alexander  street,  from  Craig street, north  to St. Catherine  street,  St.  Lawrence  suburb.
      Ann  street,  from  William  street,  south  to the  Canal, St.  Ann*s  suburb.
      Amherst  street,  from  St. Mary street, north  to St.  Catherine  street, Quebec  suburb.
      Aylraer  street,  from  St.  Catherine  street, north  to  Sherbrooke  street,  St.  Lawrence
      Barclay  street,  from  St.  Mary  street, south  to Water  street,  Quebec  suburb.
      Barrack  street,  from  St. Paul  street, south  to Water street.
      Basin  street  fronts  the canal new upper  basin.
      Beaver  Hall  Place  and  Terrace,  from  Lagauchetidre  street, north  to  St.  Catherine
          street,  St. Antoine  suburb.
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