Page 232 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 232

MONTREAL.                            243

                                    THE  NAME IS      9
                          'THE   CANTON      HOUSE,
                              NOTEE  DAME  STREET,

                        DAME STREET, MONTREAL,
                          ESTABLISHED        IN   1848,
                  F O R  T H E  E X C L U S I V E  S A L E  O F
      TEA,       COFFEE,              AND CHOCOLATE.

      THE  SUBSCRIBER   begs to call  public  attention  to the fact  that  he was the first to
      introduce into Canada,  the principle  of paying exclusive attention to the selection and
      sale of the above  named  indispensable  articles, at greatly reduced  prices,  from what had
      been  usually  paid for them, up to the period of his opening the CANTON  HOUSE.
          He is constantly prepared  to supply  families  with
           HALF    CHESTS,    BOXES     AND CATTIES        OF     TEA,
                               FROM  2 lbs.  UPWARDS,
                         AND WITH     CANISTERS OF
                GROUND COFFEE,

                                 OF EVERY  SIZE.

           s  small profits and quick returns are the principles upon which  this  establishment
      was commenced, and is still  conducted,
      Will find it their  advantage to call, as they can here select their  Stock in any  qua/rvtityj
      required, and from a Stock  which  contains  a  greater  variety of TEAS  and COFFEES,
      than  can be found in any  other  Store in the City.
                                           SAMUEL    COCHRAN,   Proprietor,
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