Page 240 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 240

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     Poet street,  from  Colborne avenue, to Gain  street, Quebec  suburb.
     Port street, from  Foundling  street, south to  Common  street, west  ward.
     Queen  street, from  William  street, south  to  Common  street, St. Ann's  suburb.
     Queen square, between  St. Mary  street  and Victoria  road, Quebec  suburb.
     Radegoncle street,  from Craig street, north to Lagauchetiere street, St. Lawrence  suburb.
     Recollet  street, from  St. Peter  street, west to McGill street, west ward.
     Richmond  street,  from  the  canal, north to  Richmond  square, St. Ann's,  St. Joseph  and
         St. Antoine  suburbs.
     Richmond  square, at the head  of Richmond  street, and west  end  of St.  Antoine  street.
     Robert  street,  from  Colborne  avenue, to  Gain  street, Quebec  suburb.
     Rodney  street,  from  Colborne  avenue, to Gain  street,  Quebec  suburb.
     Roy lane, from  St. Joseph  street, to  Bonaventure  street.
     Salaberry  street,  from  Water  street, north  to Lagauchetiere  street, Quebec  suburb.
     Sanguinet street,  from  Craig  street, north  to  Sherbrooke  street,  St. Lawrence  suburb.
     Seigneurs  streets, from  the  canal, north  to Dorchester  street,  St. Ann's,  St.  Joseph  and
         St. Antoine  suburbs.
     Seaton street,  from  Lagauchetiere  street,  north  to  St.  Catherine  street, Quebec  suburb.
     Seminary  street,  from  the  canal to M'Cord  street,  Griffintown.
     Stanley street, 1st, from Dorchester street, north  to Sherbrooke street, St. Antoine  suburb.
     Stanley  street, 2nd,  from  Colborne avenue  to  Gain  street, Quebec  suburb.
     St.  Adolphus street,  from  St.  Mary  street, north  to Lagauchetiere  street, Qubec  suburb.
     St. Alexander street,  from  Craig street, north to the  city boundary,  St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Amable  lane, from  St. Vincent  street, east to Jacques  Cartier  square.
     St  Andr6  street,  from  Campeau  street,  north  to the  city  boundary.
     St. Antoine  street,  from  Bonaventure  and  Craig streets, west  to the  city  boundary.
     St. Augustin  street,  from  Basin  street, to M'Cord  street,  St. Ann's  suburb.
     St. Bernard  street,  from  Bleury street, west  to St. Alexander street, St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Bridget  street, south  of the  canal, above the  Wellington  bridge.
     St. Catherine  street, from  Mountain  street, east  to Victoria  road, St. Antoine,  St.  Law-
         rence  and  Quebec  suburbs.
     St. Charles  Borromee  street,  from  Craig  street,  north  to  Sherbrooke  street,  St.  Law-
         rence  suburb.
     St.  Claude  street,  from  Notre Dame  street, south to Water  street, east  ward.
     St. Constant street,  from  Craig street, north  to  Sherbrooke  street, St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Denis  street,  from  Bonsecours  street, north  to the  city boundary,  St. Lewis  suburb.
     St. Dominique street, from  Craig street, north to Sherbrooke  street, St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St  Edward street, from  Bleury  street, west to St. Alexander  street, St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Elizabeth  street, from  Craig street, north  to Sherbrooke street,  St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Eloi  street,  from  St.  Sacrament  street,  south  to  St. Paul  street, west  ward.
     St. Etienne  street, south  of the  canal, above  the  Wellington  bridge.
     St. Francois street,  from  St.  Antoine  street,  north  to  the  city  boundary,  St. Antoine
     St  Francois  Xavier  street,  from  Craig street, south  to Foundling  street, west  ward.
     St. Gabriel  street, from  Commissioners  street, north  to  Craig street,  east  ward.
     St  George  street,  from  Craig  street, north  to Dorchester  street,  St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Genevieve  street,  from  St. Antoine  street, north,  St. Antoine  suburb.
     St. Germain street, from Bleury  street, west to St. Alexander street, St. Lawrence  suburb.
     St. Helen  street,  1st, from  Notre Dame  street, south  to Lemoine  street, west  ward.
     St  Helen  street, 2nd,  from  St. Mary  street, north, Quebec  suburb.
     St  Henry  street,  from  St  Joseph  street, south  to  College  street, Recollet  suburb.
     St  Hubert  street,  from  Craig street, north  to  Mignonne street,  St. James  ward.
     St  Ignace  street, from  Water  street, north to Lagauchetiere  street, Quebec  suburb
     St. James  (Great)  street,  from  Place  d'Armes, west  to McGill street, west ward.
     St. James  (Little)  street, from  Place  d'Armes,  east to  St.  Gabriel  street, centre  ward.
     St  Jean  Baptiste  street,  from  Notre Dame  street,  south  to St  Paul  street, centre  ward.
     St  John  street, from  Notre Dame  street, south  to St  Sacrament  street, west  ward.
     St. Joseph  street,  1st, from  Commissioners street, north  to Craig street,  centre  ward.
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