Page 230 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 230

MONTREAL.                           241
                                 STARCH  FACTORY.
       PRENDERGAST,  JAMES, 21 Ste. Monique st., manufacturer  of white and  blue starch of the
           best  quality, which he offers  for sale  wholesale  upon  favorable  terms, to which the
           1st and 2nd prizes, and also  diploma  were  awarded  at the grand  provincial  exhi-
                           STOVE  AND  AXE WAREHOUSE.
       BABCOCK, MICHAEL, importer and dealer in stoves of all kinds, axes, weighing machines,
           and heavy  hardware  of every description, 34 McGill st.
                          STUCCO  WORKER  AND STATUARY.
       Catelli, Charles, 35 Notre  Dame st.
                       SURGICAL  MACHINIST  AND  TRUSS  MAKER.
       Wanless, G., 11 St. Lawrence st.
                               TALLOW   CHANDLERS.
       CHRISTIE,  WILLIAM,  soap and candle  factory,  14 St. Nicholas  Tolentin  st.—the  trade
          in  city and country  supplied  with  a good article, and on favorable  terms.
       MATHEWSON,  JOHN,  &  SON, corner  of  Inspector  and'' William  sts.,  manufacturers  of
          candles, soap, lard, oil, Sec.—See card, page 242.
       TAYLOR, SMARBON  & Co., corner of Lagauchetiere and Hermine  sts., tallow chandlers
           and  soap  manufacturers—the  trade  supplied  upon  very  favorable terms.
       Brennan,  Patrick,  corner  Prince  and William sts.  Poitras,  Louis,  Wolfe st.
       Brady  & Darling,  62 St. Charles  Borrome'e st.  Rogers,  James,  St. Elizabeth  st
       Dollary,  William,  20 Visitation st.  Sauvageau, A., & Co., Amherst st.
       Maguire,  Michael,  84 St. Lawrence  st.  Watson,  William,  80 St. Urbain st
       Megorian,  James,  cor. Craig and St. Constant sts.
                          TEA  AND COFFEE  WAREHOUSES.
       COCHRAN,  SAMUEL,  109 Notre  Dame St., importer of teas, coffees, sugars, wines, liquors.
           Sec.  See card, page 243.
       KER,  JOHN,  &  Co., manufacturers  of essence  of coffee.  See card, page 247.
                               TIN  PLATE  WORKERS.
       HOLMES,  SAMUEL, 79 St. Paul  st., worker in tin, sheet  iron and copper—houses fitted up
           with  hot air  apparatus  on a new and improved  principle—orders  punctually at-
           tended to.
       PROWSE,  GEORGE F., 38 Great  St. James St., tin plate, sheet iron, and copper  smith.
       RYAN,  NICHOLAS,  6 St. Peter  st.—tin, sheet  iron and copper ware  of all kinds  for sale
          low—orders  promptly  attended to.
       Belanger,  B., College st          Lamouche,  Joseph,  23 St. Mary st.
       Campbell,  James,  48 St. Antoine st  Lapierre,  M., 169 St Joseph st
       Dagenais,  D., 40 St. Mary st.     Lapierre,  Louis,  57 St. Paul st
       Dednarn,  Thomas,  187 Notre  Dame st.  Marcoux,  J. B., Jacques  C artier sq.
       Durocher,  Thomas,  22 St  Lawrence  st  Moreau,  Joseph,  177 St  Joseph st
       Gillespie,  James,  83 Craig st.   Pagnuello,  Joseph,  10 Bonaventure  st
       Giroux,  Joseph,  135 Commissioners  st.  Woodbury,  T. E., & Co., 10 McGill st
                            TOBACCO  AND CIGAR  STORES.
       JOSEPH, H., & Co., 144 St. Paul  st., importers, manufacturers  and wholesale  dealers in
          tobacco, cigars, snuff, &c, &c.
       KURCZYN, N. P. M., 31 McGill  street, manufacturer  of and  wholesale  and retail  dealer
           in  tobacco, cigars, snuff,  &c, &c.
       LEVEY,  JOHN,  115 Notre Dame  st., importer,  manufacturer,  and wholesale and retail
           dealer  in tobacco, snuff,  cigars, pipes,  fancy  articles,  &c, &e.
       ORR,  JOHN,  cigar divan, corner  Notre Dame and St. Gabriel sts.—cigars of the very best
           brands always on hand.
       RATTRAY, JAMES,  & Co., 94 Notre Dame st., manufacturers, importers, and wholesale
           and  retail dealers in tobacco,  snuff,  cigars,  &c, & c
       Dubord, A., 77 St Paul st. & 99 St  Lawrence  s t  Monaghan,  William,  comer  Lagaucheti&re  and
       Durham,  Duncan,  121  S t Paul st.  Wolfe sts.
       Granthum,  James, Amherst st       Papin, L. A., 117 St Paul st
       McKey,  Francis, 83 St Paul St     Villemain,  Louis, Jacques  Cartier sq.
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