Page 227 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 227

MONTREAL.                            237

                              PROVISION  INSPECTORS.
      EAGER,  WILLIAM L., inspector  of beef and  pork,  Wellington  st.  See card.
      MCDONNELL,  FRANCIS,  butter  and  provision  inspector, Grey Nun  st.
      WATSON,  WILLIAM,  flour inspector,  George st., near  Common st.

      SOLE      INSPECTOR             OF   BEEF        AMD PORK,
                                           JT                E.
                    UNDER   T H E ACT 4 AND 5 VIC. CAP.    88.
      DULY   commissioned  by order  of the President  and Council  of the Board  of  Trade.
      ASSISTANT  INSPECTORS,  Daniel  W .  Eager, Charles  S.  Ogden.
                                          INSPECTION  STORES  IN GRIFFINTOWN,
      Montreal,  1851.                         Corner of  Wellington  and Queen  Slreets.
                              PROVISION  MERCHANTS!
      BOYER  Louis,  corner St. Francois  Xavicr  and Commissioners  sts , wholesale  provision
      WATSON  & WILLTAMS, corner  of St. Paul  and McGill  streets, provision and commission
          merchants, make advances  on consignments  of all kinds  of country  produce.
      Benoit it, Z., 32 Commissioners  st.  •  Lefevre,  Magloire,  -13 St. Pan] st.
      Conolan,  Peter.  Commissioners  st.  St.  Charles, Frs. 33 Commissioners st.
      Latham,  Richard,  28 St. Francois  Xavier st.
                                          Connolly  &Laritier,  Callieroand  Foundling sts.
                        READY   MADE
                                     LINEN  WAREHOUSES,
      AITKEN,  JOHN,  159 Notre  Dame  st.  ready  made  linen  for ladies,  gentlemen' and chil-
          dren, and also baby  linens  of all kinds, constantly  on hand and for sale low.
      MILES, \V. C,  162 Notre  Dame  St., opposite to Gibb and Co.'s—a  large  stock  of ready
          made linens, gentlemen's  haberdashery,  &c, constantly  on hand  and for sale at very
          moderate  prices.
      PROVANDIER,  MRS., 50 Notre Dame st.—gentlemen's  linens and  under  clothing of  every
          description, also a choice assortment of haberdashery,  constantly on hand and offered
          for  sale  upon  reasonable  terms.
      FLYNN,  JAMES,  13 Alexander  st., opposite  St. Patrick's  Church.  See card.
      HESTER,  JOHN,  6 Bleury  st.—families  requiring  servants or  farm  laborers, can be at all
          times  suited  by applying as above.
      Bell, William,  142 Craig  st.    |  Scholes,  William,  Vitv6, near  St. Urbain st.
                                 ROPE  FACTORY.
      Converse,  J., & Co., St. Helen,  near  St. Mary st.

       " JAMES                          FLYNN«~

              AND REGISTRY AND INTELLIGENCE               OFFICE
        MALE      AND FEMALE           DOMESTIC         SERVANTS,

                          No.  13, ALEXANDER   STREET,
           Opposite the East  side of St. Patrick?s Church, Montreal.
      N.B   Families  requiring Female Domestics  may depend  upon  none being  sent  to them
      from  this  Office  whoae  character  will not bear the strictest  investigation.
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