Page 222 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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Wragg, T. B., Wellington st. | Holland & Dunn, Canal basin.
Broome, Thomas, 58 Notre Dame st.
AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL, (English and French,) R. W. Lay, publisher, Notre Dame
St.—subscription, 5s. per annum.
ALBUM LITTERAIRE, DE LAMINERVE, L. Duvernay, 13 St. Vincent st.—subscription.
15s. per annum.
Great St, James st.—subscription, 15s. per annum.
CANADA DIRECTORY, Robert W. S. Mackay, editor, at John LovelPs, 5 St. Nicholas
st.—subscription, 15s., per copy.
CANADA GAZETTE, Derbyshire & Desbarats, Queen's Printer, St. Therese st.—sub-
scription, 15s., per annum.
COURIER, (daily, and tri-weekly,) F. Smith & Co., St. Francois Xavier St.—subscrip-
tions, 30s., and 15s., per annum.
FRENCH CANADIAN Missionary record, (quarterly,) J. C. Becket, 22 Great St. Jamet,
GAZETTE, (daily, tri-weekly, and weekly), J. M. Ferres & Co., 20 Great St. James si.
—subscriptions, 30s., 15s., and 5s., per annum.
HERALD, (daily, tri-weekly, and weekly,) D. Kinnear & Co., St. Gabriel st.'—'subscrip-
tions, 30s., 15s., and 5s., per annum.
L'AVENIR (French, weekly,) J. B. E. Dorion, editor, Place d'Armes,—subscription.
10s., per annum.
LA MINERVE, (French, tri and semi-weekiy,) L. Duvernay, St. Vincent st.—subscrip-
tion, 20s., per annum.
LE MONITEUR CANADIEN, (weekly,) DeMontigny & Co., 79 St. Paul st.—subscription,
5s., per annum.
LITERARY GARLAND, (monthly,) John Lovell, St. Nicholas st.—subscription, 15s.,per ann.
MISSIONARY and SABBATH School Record, J. C. Becket, 22 Great St. James st.
MONTREAL CITY DIRECTORY, Robert W. S. Mackay, editor, at John Lovell's, 5 St.
Nicholas st.—subscription, 7s. (?d. per copy.
MEXANGES RELIGIEUX, (French Roman Catholic, semi-weekly,) St. Denis, near St.
. * Catherine st.—subscription, 20s., per annum.
PILOT, (tri-weekly and weekly,) Rollo Campbell, Place d'Armes,—subscriptions, 25s.>
and 7s. 6d., per annum.
PRESBYTERIAN, THE, (Monthly,) John Lovell printer, St. Nicholas st.—subscription, 2s.
6d., per annum.
SABBATH ADVOCATE, (quarterly,) John Lovell publisher, St. Nicholas st.
SNOW DROP, (monthly,) R. W. Lay, publisher, Notre Dame st.—subscription, 5s.,per ann.
TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE, (fortnightly,) J. C. Becket, 22 Great St. James st.—subscrip-
tion, 2s. 6d., per annum.
TRANSCRIPT, (tri-weekly, semi-weekly and weekly,) D. M'Donald, Hospital st.—sub-
scriptions, 15s., 10s., and 5s., per annum.
TRUE "WITNESS and CATHOLIC CHRONICLE, weekly, G. E. Clerk, editor and proprie-
tor, 3 McGill st.—subscription, 10s., per annum.
WITNESS, (weekly,) John Dougall,22 Great St. James st.—subscription, 10s.,per annum.
The above prices of subscription are for single subscribers, and when payment is made
in advance.
DOUCET, T., 18 St. Francois Xavier st.
EASTON, WILLIAM, late of Gibb <fc Easton, 27^ Little St. James st.
FORBES, HENRY, E., comer of St. Lawrence hill, and Fortification lane.
GIBB, J. J., 39 Little St. James st.
GRIFFIN, JOHN C , 26 Little St. James st.
ISAACSON, J. H., 20 St. Francois Xavier st.