Page 224 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 224

234                          MONTREAL.

                             PAINT,  OIL AND  GLASS STORES.
        ATWATER,  EDWIN,  193 St. Paul  st., wholesale  and retail  dealer  in paints,  oil*,
            glass, &c.
        CORSE, R. & H., 205 St. Paul  St., wholesale  and retail  dealers in paints, oils, glass,  &c.
        MOSES, MICHAEL, 97 St. Paul  st., wholesale  and retail  dealer in paints, oils, glass,  &«,
        RAMSAY  & MCARTHUB.,  58 McGill  st.—wholesale  and retail  dealer  in paints, oil?,
            glass, &c.  See card.
        Loughrey, John,  145 St. Paul st.  |  Shearer,  Donald, 187J St. Paul st.

        PAINT,             OIL & GLASS                      STORE,

                                 H&SfcfitilL  58 $?  60     till

                RAMSAY                & M'ARTHUR,

        HAVE  constantly  on hand,  every  description  of Paints, Varnishes, Bronzes,  Gold Leaf,
        Artists' Colours  and Tools, Paris Green ground in Oil, and Dry, Window Glass, &c, &c.,
                   Which    they  offer  CHEAP     FOR    CASH.
                            PAINTERS  AND  PAPER  HANGERS.
        BURNS,  WILLIAM,  40 St. Mary st., house',  sign, and ornamental  painter  and paper-
        LLOYD, WILLIAM,  corner of Great  St. James  and St. Peter  sts., house,  sign  and orna-
           mental  painter  and paperhanger.  See card.
        Clarke, Francis, St. Alexander st.  Grant, A., 57 St. Mary st.
        Clark, Henry J.,51 St. Lawrence st.  Labreche, Frangois, Chaboillez square.
        Charles, S. M. T.,  25 St Lawrence st.  McGarvey,  Owen, 6 St. Antoine st.
        Dagenais, R., Chaboillez square.    McNider, A., 9 St. Lawrence st.
        Depencier, P., St. Lawrence hill.   Moss, Henry, Dorchester, near  St. Urbain st.
        Dudlow, Thomas, 5 German st.        Nunn, G., 191 Notre  Dame  sft.
        Freniere, F. D., St. Antoine bridge.  Rogers & Wright, 13! St. Mary st.
       Gautier, Pierre, 3 St.  Vincent st.  Sandham, John, Nazareth st.
       Gilmour, John, 85 Craig st.          Swale, Mark, 79 St. Lawrence st.

         HOUSE,      SIGN.     AND ORNAMENTAL                PAINTEB,

                  PAPERHANGER              AND      GLAZIER,
              Corner   of Great  St. James   and St. Peter    Streets,

       IMITATES   every kind of WOOD  and MAKBLE, and executes Ornamental  Painting
                   in all its branches, and in first rate  style,—also,

                                PROMPTLY  ATTENDED TO
         No  extra  charge made  for work  done in the country,  and all orders are attended to
       with  punctuality and despatch,  and the charges are very  moderate.
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