Page 223 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 223
JOBIN, J. H., 6 St. Therese st.
LABADIE, J. A., 14 Little St. James st.
LEBLANC, OVIDE, 3 Bonsecours st.
METER & MEYER, 2 Great St. James st.
PAPINEAU, C. F., corner of Little St. James and St. Gabriel sts.
PAPINEAU, D. E., corner of Little St. James and St. Gabriel sts.
PELTIER, G., 21 St. Antoine st.
PELTON, T. J., 151 Notre Dame st.
PLATT, GEORGE, 21^ Little St. James st.
WEJEKES & LAMONTAGNE, Nuns' buildings, St. Joseph st.
Belle, Joseph, 12 St. Lambert st. Matthieu, P., 6 St. Therese st.
Belle & Bourbonniere, corner of St. Vincent and Montreuil, J. A., 42 St. Mary st.
St. There?e sts. M'Gregor, John M., 6 St. Therese st,
Brault, Charles A., 3 St. Joseph st. Napier, G. H., 151 Notre Dame st.
Cadieux, G. H., 206 Notre Dame st. Racicot, F. X., St. Dominique st.
Dufresne, J., Lagaucheti&re, near Montcalm st. Ross, William, 166 St. Paul st.
Guy, Etienne, 2 St. Francois Xavier si Spenard, C. C, 88 Craig st. •
Houle, J. B., 40 St. Joseph st. Smith, James, 2 St. Francois Xavier st.
Lappare, Henry, 13 Little St. James st Weilbrenner, P. A., Champ de Mars st.
Martin, L. S., Craig st. Weston, Henry, 4 St. Sacrament st.
SHEPHERD, GEORGE, 25 Notre Dame st., seedsman to the Lower Canada Agricultural
KELLY, CHARLES, nursery and seedsman, Hamilton nurseries, City of Hamilton, C. W.
See card.
THESE Nurseries are situated on King street, East, in and near the City of Hamilton,
and comprise about forty acres of land thickly planted with thrifty and vigorous trees, free
from disease of every kind, and warranted to be grafted or budded with all.the hardiest
and most approved kinds of APPLE, PEACH, CHERRY, PLUM, PEAR,
APRICOT, NECTARINE and QUINCE, together with most of the smaller fruits
suited to this climate ; also, will be found a choice assortment of hardy CLIMBING
and other ROSES, ORNAMENTAL TREES and SHRUBS in great variety.
Orders containing cash or satisfactory reference, attended to with accuracy and
despatch, and trees packed to bear conveyance to any distance.
C. KELLY & Co.
Hamilton, 1851.
LAFLAMME, M. A., 165 Craig st., manufacturer of oil cloths, of every size and descrip-
tion, which he sells, wholesale or retail, at very moderate prices.
Fox, CHARLES JAMES, 240 Visitation st.
Andrews, R. E., Place d'Armes.
AITKEN, JOHN, & Co., 159 Notre Dame st.—baby linens, ladies' under-clothing,
marriage outfits, &c, polkas, mantles, and gentlemen's shirts and under clothing of
all kinds constantly on hand.