Page 219 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 219

MONTREAL.                            229

                   S.    CLIFFORD,

                          WHOLESALE     AND  RETAIL

                         GENERAL    IMPORTER,    &c,

        No.9,MGILL             STREET,           MONTREAL.

      CONSTANTLY    on hand, a very extensive assortment of every description  of WOOLLEN
      and other  READY  MADE  CLOTHING ; HATS,  CAPS,  &C,  and for sale at unprecedented!y
      Low Prices, country  merchants and the public generally are  invited  to call and examine.

                           c G I L L         S T R E E T ,

      Has  now on  hand, one  of the  most  EXTENSIVE  AND  COMPLETE  ASSORT-
        MENTS of

                   Ever offered to the Public.
      His  STOCK  is made  up under  his own  superintendence, expressly  for the CANA-
      DIAN  AND  AMERICAN    MARKET,   and  includes  the finest  description  of Gar-
      ments which  can be required  by the  most  fastidious, as well  as those suited  for persons
      whose means are  more limited.

      And the  public generally are invited to call and examine  before  making their purchases,
      as  the Proprietor  believes he can offer  them  advantages  rarely to be met with, and
      certainly  not to be surpassed by  any  similar  establishment in Canada.

                          MILLINERS  AND DRESSMAKERS.
      Aggett, Mrs., 26 Great  St. James st.  Clark,  Mrs.,  corner  Lagauchetiexe  and  Am-
      Agnew, Miss, St. Lawrence st.       herst sts.
      Beatty, Mrs., St. Lawrence st.     Conlan, Mrs., corner Lagaucheti^re and Wolfe sts.
      Behan, Miss, 20 Bonaventure st.    Connell, Mrs. W.,  176 Notre  Dame st.
      Belmore and  White, Mesdames, 23 St. Mary st.  Conroy, Mrs., Dorchester,  near St. Lawrence st.
      Blacleader, Mrs.,  189 Notre Dame st.  Costigan, Mrs., 4 St, Joseph st.
      Brossard, Mrs.,  15 St. Lawrence st.  Couper,  Miss, 13 St. Joseph st.
      Bulling, Mrs., 6 St. Lawrence st.  Davis, Miss, 27 St. Antoine st.
      Champoux, Miss, 82 Notre Dame st.  Dennie, Mrs., 13 Great St. James st.
      Chisholm, Misses, Radegonde st.    Desereau, Miss, St. Lawrence st.
      Cook, Miss, 56 St Antoine st.      Duff, Miss,  18 St. Joseph st.
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