Page 217 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 217
BEAUDRY, JOSEPH, 76 Notre Dame st.—clothing of all kinds.made to order in the best
style; ready made clothing for sale cheap.
BENJAMIN, WILLIAM, & Co., 131£ Notre Dame st.—merchant tailors, clothiers, and
general outfitters.
BOULANGET, J. C , 47 Notre Dame st.—every description of clothing of the best quality
and make, furnished on short notice.
CLIFFORD, S-, 9 McGill st.—importer, and ready made clothing warehouse. See card,
page 229.
DEPINCIER, O., 3 Place d'Armes—ready made clothing constantly on hand; orders at-
tended to promptly and in the best style.
EVANS, EDWARD, 14 McGill st.—New York clothing store; a large stock of ready-
made clothing constantly for sale at very Sow prices.
FLEMING, JAMES, University house, 103 Notre Dame st.—clerical, academical, and le-
gal robes, and all kinds of clothing furnished to order.
FRANCHERE, L. 0., (from Paris), 11 Little St. James st.—all orders promptly executed
in the best style, and at very reasonable prices.
GALLAGHER, C , Montreal clothing house, 233 St. Paul st.—clothing of the best quality
and soundest workmanship for sale ; persons furnishing their own cloth can have
it made up in the best style.
GEMMILL, WILLIAM, 11 McGill st.—an extensive stock of ready made clothing at
wholesale or retail upon unusually moderate terms. See card, page 229.
GIBB & Co., merchant tailors and clothiers, 161 and 163 Notre Dame st.
LANE, SAMUEL, 8 Notre Dame st., military and merchant tailor—imports the finest
description of goods only, and executes all orders in the very best style.
LAVENDER, HENRY, 107 Notre Dame st., merchant tailor, draper, and general outfitter—
a choice stock of clothing, &c. always on hand, terms cash.
LOISELLE, F. X., 31 McGill st.—ready made clothing of superior quality for sale ; orders
executed with elegance and despatch.
Moss & BROTHERS, 182^ St. Paul st.—a very large stock of ready made clothing,
wholesale or retail, at low prices.
MUIR, W. & J.. 11 Great St. James st., merchant tailors and clothiers—an elegant as-
sortment of gentlemen's haberdashery, &c. constantly on hand.
PLAMONDON, LOUIS, 122 St. Paul st.—a large stock of ready made clothing and dry goods
for sale very cheap.
RANCOUR & DAJENAIS, 13 St. Lambert st.—attend to orders in every department of
their business in the best style, and with punctuality and despatch.
SEATH, ROBERT, 32 McGill st.—clothing- of all kinds constantly on hand, or made to
order, upon the most reasonable terms.
SLACK, WM., 28 & 30 McGill st.—keeps a very extensive stock of ready made clothing
on hand and for sale, wholesale or retail,upon favorable terms. See card, page 228.
STAFFORD, JOHN, 95 Notre Dame st., merchant tailor and general outfitter—keeps an
elegant stock of every article in the line constantly for sale.
Adams, W. H. & F., 149 Notre Dame st. Lavoie, M., 149 St. Joseph st.
Bienvenu, B., 43 St. Lawrence st. Leavers, James, 185 Notre Dame st.
Collins, George, 62 Si. Dominique st. Leblanc, P., corner Gosford and St. Lewis sts.
Conlan & Morrison, 2(5 St. Francois Xavicr st. McCruni, Mathew, 14 St. Mary st.
Creighton, James, 158 Notre Dame st. McManus, John, 25 St. Mary st.
Davidson, J. 13., 174 Notre Dame st. Mann, D., 4 St. Mary st.
Dougall, George, 95 Craig st. Mazuretti, "V., 37 St. Phillip st
Fax, George, 23 McGill st. O'Hara, P., 13 St. Mary st.
Galbraith, John, 183 Notre Dame t Reeves, A. D., 118| Notre Dame st.
Gauthier, Moses. Lagauchetiere st. Remeur, G., corner German and St. Catharine sts.
Gauthicr. Edward, 35 Notre Dame st. Slack, William, 29 St. Mary st.
Gleeson, James, 13 St. Maurice st. Slack, Benjamin, 33 St. Mary st.
Grenier, Carles, 1U9 St. Paul st. Smith, Robert, 180 Notre Dame st.
Hannaii, M., 50 St. Antoine st. Sutherland, J., 18 McGill st.
Lamarrho. E. D., Jacques Cartier square. Thomson & Son, 25 Great St. James st.
Laurent, D., German st. Wilson, T., 22| Bonaventure st
Burry, William, Wellington st.