Page 221 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 221

MONTREAL.                            231

                    No.   10    St.  Joseph       Street,



                                                         SERAPHINES      9

      ORGANS                                                   AND

          OF  ALL  SIZES

      INDIVIDUALS   and  Societies  who are desirous  of  supplying themselves with  Instru-
      ments  of  the above character, warranted  to  be of  superior  construction, and  beauty  of
      design, will find  it  to their  advantage  to  call  at  his  Establishment  and  examine, and
      judge  for themselves.  Twenty-nine  years  of  experience  and  careful  study in his  Pro-
      fession  have enabled  him  to successfully  contribute to the  various improvements  already
      made in the  construction  of the  Organ  and  Piano Forte.  His extensive  and  long estab-
      lished  Manufactory,  is  now  supplied  with  the  best  materials,  and  most  experienced
      workmen ;  and  he  is  thereby  enabled  to  compete  with  similar  establishments  in  this
      Country  or in Europe.
         He  would  call  the  attention  of  musical  people  in  small  Towns  and  Villages
      in the Country, where they are not prepared  to  purchase large Organs, to his  Harmonium
      Organs, Seraphines, and iEolophon's,  of all sizes, at very low prices;  and  well  adapted
      for their  use, being less  liable to get  out  of order and tune,  (in the  perfection  they  are
      now brought to,)  than  either the  Organ  or  Piano Forte.  The  larger  sizes  of  these  In-
      struments, having  from  four  to nine  registers, give a  great  variety  and  combination  of
      tones;  and  there  are  but  few  churches  in  the  country  that  they  are  not  capable  of
      filling, while the  smaller  sizes make  an  excellent  and  pleasing  Parlour  Instrument.
        Orders  from  the  United States, and  from  all parts  of Canada will be promptly attended
      to.  Instruments  repaired  and  tuned  at the shortest notice.
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