Page 214 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 214

224                          MONTREAL.

                            JEWELLERS  AND  WATCHMAKERS.
         ASCHER,  G. I.,  53 Great  St. James  st., importer  of  gold  and  silver  watches, jewellery
             and  other  goods adapted  to the jewellery  business.
         BOIVIN,  L.  P.,  corner  of  Notre  Dame  and  St.  Vincent  sts., importer  of gold and silver
          .  watches, and jewellery—watches  and  clocks cleaned, repaired,  and  regulated.
         CLANDINNEN, JOHN, 37 M'Gill st.—gold and silver watches for sale low—particular atten-
             tion  paid  to repairing  and  regulating watches, &c.
         CREYK,  WILLIAM,  151  Notre  Dame  St.,  opposite  the  Seminary—particular  attention
             paid to cleaning  watches and  clocks—jewellery  manufactured  and  repaired.
         J ACOT & Co., 41  M'Gill st.—a  good stock of  gold  and  silver watches, clocks, jewellery,
             &c,  for  sale  low—clocks  and watches  cleaned  and  regulated.
         LEARMONT,  WILLIAM, 147 Notre Dame  st.—gold  and  silver watches, plate, jewellery,
             &c,  constantly  on hand—particular  attention  given  to repairs  of watches, &c.
         PEACOCK, H.,  67 St. Paul  St.—a large  stock  of watches, clocks, jewellery, &c,  for sale,
            at a  small  advance on the cost—strangers  from the country are  invited to call and see.
         SAVAGE  &  LYMAN,  (successors  to George  Savage  &  Son,)  corner  of Notre Dame and
             St. Gabriel sts.  See  card, page 225.
         SCOTT, A. H.  & J.,  38 M'Gill  st.—gold and  silver  watche?,  clocks,  and jewellery, for
            sale  cheap—repairs  of  all kinds promptly  attended to.
         SMILLIE,D.,  7^ St.  Francois  Xavier  st., working jeweller—manufactures  every descrip-
            tion  of jewellery to order, and executes repairs in the best manner, and with despatch.
         TOWNSEND, W.  A.,  92 Notre  Dame st., importer  of watches and jewellery.  See card.
         WOOD, JOHN  &  SON,  137  Notre Dame  st., importers of watchef, clocks, &c.—repairs  of
            all  kinds attended  to  promptly.

        Derome, F, X., 66 St. Denis st.     Maysenhoelder, D., 1 St. Vincent st.
        Etherington,  George, 62 St. Mary st.  Morand, Paul, St. Amable lane.
        Franch&re, J. B., 114 St. Paul st.  Ollendorff,  M.,  103 Notre Dame st.
        Hart, Simeon, St. Lawrence st*      Peacock, John, Little St  James st
        Hallo well, John, 19 St  Maurice st.  Silverman, Solomon,  127i  Notre  Dame st.
        Johnson, Thomas, 2 St. Mary st.
                         LAST  AND  BOOT-TREE  MANUFACTURER.
        WARDILL, J.,  last  and boot-tree manufactory, Chambly—E.  N. Bostwick, agent in Mon-
            treal, Great  St. James  and Notre  Dame sts.  See  card, page 247.
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