Page 202 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 202

212                          MONTREAL.

        HALL,  JOSEPH  N., importer of shelf goods, heavy hardware  and  American  hardware,
            of  every  description, also  of stoves, agricultural implements, &c,  105 St.  Paul at.
        HAGAR,  GEORGE, dealer in hardvmre, stoves, agricultural implements, fishing tackle, &c,
            103 St. Paul st.
        HIBBARD  & Co., importers of and  wholesale  dealers  in American  hardware,  190  St.
            Paul  st.  See card, page 215.
        KELLER,  JOHN, importer  of shelf  and heavy hardware  of every description, 91 St. Paul st.
        LEPAGE,  OLIVIER,  importer  of all kinds  of shelf  and  heavy  hardware, 73 St. Paul st.
        MORLAND  & Co., importers of shelf goods and heavy  hardware  of all kinds, St. Joseph
            st., near  St. Paul  st.
        PECK,  THOMAS, & Co., importers of heavy  hardware,  manufacturers  of nails,  railroad
            and  other spikes,  155 St. Paul st.
        RODDEN, WILLIAM,  importer of shelf  and  heavy  hardware,  and  dealer  in  axes, stoves,
            weighing  machines, &c,  191 St. Paul  st.
        SPRING  BANK  IRON  WORKS,  Scotland, James  Moir, agent, 62  Commissioners  st.
        VENNOR,  HENRY,  & Co., importers  of heavy hardware and  manufacturers  of wool cards,
            nails and  spikes, 3 St.  Sacrament  st.
        WILSON  & COUILLARD, importers of and  dealers in  all kinds of shelf  and  heavy hard-
            ware,  170  St. Paul  st.
        WHITTY,  WILLIAM, representative  of George H.  Gray  & Co. of  Boston,  general hard-
            ware  merchants.
        Faucher, 0.,  St. Antoine  bridge.  Wilson, Edward,  76i  St.  Paul  st.
        Warren,  Francis,  13 McGill  st.   Wilson, Thomas,  65£  St. Paul  st.
        Warren,  William,  168 Notre  Dame  st.

        No.  197  ST.  PAUL    ST.,  CORNER      OF  ST.   NICHOLAS     ST.

                    Premises  of Late  Scott  & Shaw,  Montreal.

        FOB  SALE, AT Lpw  PBICES :—Bar,  Hoop and  Sheet  Iron,  Canada  Plates, Boiler Plate,  Steel  of overy
        description.  A great variety  of Castings,  Stoves, Coolers, and Potash Kettles,  Cut  and  Wrought Nails".
        Gun  Powder,  Blasting  Powder,  Shot,  Spades  and  Shovels,  Glass  and  Putty, Weighing  Machines.
        Axes, Rope  and Twines,  and  every other  description of HEAVY  HARDWARE,  Together  with an
        EXTENSIVE  and well  assorted  Stock  of Cutlery  and  General  Shelf  Hardware.

                    AND  AftEXTS  FOR  THE  ST.  MAURICE  FORGES,
                 WHOLESALE                AND       RETAIL,
                        Corner of St. Paul  and St.  Francois Xavkr  Streets,

        Import  all descriptions of British, German, and  American Hardware  required  in  Canada,
        and  have  constantly  on hand a heavy  and  complete assortment, including every descrip-
        tion of Bar, Band,  Rod,  and  Hoop Iron, Canada  Plates,  Tin,  Sheet  Iron,  Steel, Potash
        Kettles, Coolers, and  other  Hardware, Nails, Spikes, Chains, Shovels, Spades,  Anvils,
        Vices,  Glass  and  Cordage.
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