Page 200 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 200


        Larkin, P., corner  Gabriel and Murray sts.  Orr, John, Jure, corner Hermine st.
        Larkin, Thomas, corner Hermine and Jure sts.  Orsaille, T., corner Dorchester and Durham sta.
        Laurie, James,  corner  St. Charles  Borrome'e and  Paye", B., corner St. Andr<§ and St. Catherine sts.
          St. Catherine ste.                Payette, Joseph, Sanguinett,  corner Dorchester st,
        Loranger, Joseph, corner Montcalm and Dorches-  Payne, Joseph, 152 St. Mary st.
          ter  sts.                         Par6, E., Wolfe,  corner St. Catherine st.
        Laverock, Mrs. William,  97 Craig st.  Patrick, William, 78 St. Maurice st.
        Lefevre,  Antoine, 42 St. Joseph st.  Perrault,  L.,  corner St. Constant  and  Mignonne
        Leniai, Louis, 28 St. Mary st.       sts.
        Leonard, Thomas, 68 St. Lawrence st,  Perrault, F. C,  St, Dominique st.
        Lenoir, Lewis, Panet st.            Philbin, Richard, Wellington st.
        Leseige, Joseph, 87 St. Paul st.    Plamondon, J., corner Durham and Dorchester sts.
        Letor6, Henry, 18 St. Phillipe st.  Poet, Mrs., corner Cote and Vitr6 sts.
        Little,  Thomas,  corner  St.  Constant  and St.  Price, Samuel, 109 Commissioners st.
          Catherine sts.                    Proctor, C. D., 3 McGill st.
        Logan,  P.  &  Co.,  corner  Dorchester  and St.  Quevillon, Cyril, corner  Lagauchetiere  and Am-
          Charles Borromee sts.              herst sts.
        Lorigan, John,  corner Mignonne and St. Charles  Quintane, N., Sanguinett,  corner St. Catherine st.
          Borrom6e sts.                     Reilly, Patrick,  31 St. Charles Borromee st.
        Long, John, corner  Hermine and Jure" sts.  Renaud, J. B., St. Joseph st.
        Lysiote, Antoine, 9? St. Lawrence st.  Reynolds, W., Bleury st.
        McCambridge, A., Prince st.         Reynolds, T., Wellington st.
        McDonald, John, 66 St. Paul st.     Riddell, John, 71 St. Lawrence st.
        McDonald,  John,  83  St. Lawrence  and 90 St.  Ritchie, John, 53 St. Joseph st.
          Joseph sts.                       Rivet & Doray,  Bonsecours  market.
        McDonald, A., 32 St. Joseph st.     Robinson, D., St. Antoine bridge.
        McDonald, D. J., Wellington st.     Roi,  George, corner St. Elizabeth and Lagauche-
        McGarvin,  William,  corner  Lagauchetiere  and  tiere sts.
          Amherst sts.                      Rosaire, D., corner Bonaventure and Margaret sts.
        McGovern, Peter,  38 St. Mary st.   Saucier, Theodore, 140 St. Lawrence st.
        McGuire, William, 64 Bleury st.     Sauvageau,  David,  Voltigeur st.
        Mclntyre, G., corner  Grey Nun  and Common sts.  Sauv6, Lukin,  155 St. Joseph st.
        McKey, John, 73 St. Paul st.        Scanlan, Patrick, 30 St. Charles Borrom6e st.
        McLaren, J. R., 115 St. Lawrence st.  Scott,  Mrs., corner St. Constant and St.Catherine
        McLean, John, 7 St. Antoine st.        sts.  .
        McMahon, P., corner St. Catherine and Brock sts.  Sellars, Robert,  Gabriel st.
        McMillan,  Hugh, 5 Grey Nun st.     Seybold, John, P., 24 St. Dominique st.
        McNamee, George, 61 St. Antoine st.  Shannon, H., College st.
        McNaughton, Archibald, 56 St. Mary st,  Shanley, M., Prince st.
        McNaughton, Duncan, 46 St. Mary st.  Simpson, Mrs., 62 St. Charles  Borrome'e st.
        Madden, Hugh, Prince st.            Simpson, Mrs., 49 St. Dominique st.
        Mahar, John, 60 Bonaventure st.     St.  Amand,  Alexis,  corner  Dorchester  and  St-
        Marcel, Toussaint, St. Joseph st.    Urbain sts.
        Marlow, Douglas, corner Vitro" and St. Urbainsts.  Staveley, William, St. Henry st.
        Marcotte,  Andrfi,  Lagauchetiere,  corner  Visita-  Steller, Jacob, corner St. Constant and St. Cathe-
         tion st.                            rine sts.
        Masson, Damase,  183 Notre Dame st.  Stewart,  David, 84 St. J"oseph st.
        Marret, G., corner St. Catherine and Beaudry sts.  Stupple, William,  Gain st.
        Martel, Joseph, 9 St. Antoine st.   Theoret, Israel, 153 St. Joseph st.
        Morin, Louis, Bonaventure st.       Tidmarsh, Miss., St. Antoine bridge.
        Morgan, T., corner St. Catherine and Bleury sts.  Tomkins, John,  102 St. Lawrence st.
        Morton, Mrs., 114 St. Antoine st.   Vadeboncour & Benoit, St. Mary st.
        Mousseau,  M.  A.,  corner  Dorchester  and St.  Valle, M.,St.  Maryst.
          Elizabeth sts.                    Villeneuve, N., 210 St. Mary st.
        Mullin, James, Wellington st.       Walsh, A., 4 St. Antoine st.
        Mulligan, Richard,  Sanguinet st.   Walsh, Mathew, 72 Bonaventure st.
        Murphy, James, 18 Sanguinet st.     Watson, John, 54 St. Antoine st.
        Nicholson, A., 101 Water st.        Whyte, J. J., 120 St. Lawrence st.
        O'Brien, T., corner Lagauchetiere  and Wolfe sts.  Wilicam, John, 164 St. Joseph st.
        O'Conner, H., corner William  and Colborne sts.  Woo^s, Robert, 32 St. Dominique st.
        O'Neil,  Miss., 109 St. Constant st.  Woods, P., corner Dorchester and German sts.
        O'Reilly, M., Lagauchetiere, near  Montcalm st.
                                GINGER  BEER  MAKERS.
        Clark,  James,  lemon  syrup  and  ginger  beer  Renwick, Edward,  Current St. Mary-
          maker, 14 St. Bernard st.         Williams, Richard, Place d'Armes hill.
                                     GUN  SMITHS.
        HALL  WILLIXM,  sportsman's warehouse, 51 Notre Dame  st.  See card, next  page.
        Boyd, T. J., 103 Notre Dame st.   I  Duminie, Charles, 116 St Mary st
        Boyd, T. W.  <fc J., 95 Notre Dame st  Goaselin, Felia^ 46 Bleury »t
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