Page 206 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 206

216                          MONTREAL.

        GREENE & SONS, 229 St Paul st., manufacturers  of  furs  and hats of every  description.
            See  card,  page 217.
        HENDERSON, JOHN,  93 Notre Dame St., importer and manufacturer of hats, furs, robes, & t.
        MATER, J. C., 147 St. Paul st., importer and dealer in furs of every  description.
        MERCKELL, JOHN  H., wholesale and retail  hatter  and furrier.
        MCDOWALL,  ALEXANDER  & Co., 30 McGill st., manufacturers  of hats, caps, and  fun,
            of  all kinds.
        MCTVER,  GEORGE,  135 Notre Dame st.,  manufacturer  of hats, furs, caps, &c.  See card.
        NOXON, E. B. C. & Co., 100^ Notre  Dame  st.—every  article in the line  constantly for
            sale at very  moderate  prices.
        SAMUEL,  HENRY,  109 St. Paul  St., hatter  and furrier,  wholesale  and retail—country
            merchants are invited to call and examine.
        SAMUEL, MARK,  130 Notre Dame  St., opposite the English  Church—hats, caps, and furs
            of all kinds constantly for sale at low prices.
        STERNBERG, WOLFE,  197 Notre Dame  st.—furs,  hats, caps, umbrellas, &c, of all  kind>
            for  sale cheap.
        THOMPSON,  WILLIAM, 205 Notre Dame st.—hats, caps, furs,  &c. of all kinds, wholesale
            or retail, at low prices.
        Bayley, James, 164 Notre Dame st.   Hyman, S., 29 St. Antoine st.
        Blanchard,  Louis J., 125 St. Paul st.  Mead, Joseph H., 106 Notre Dame st.
        Bohl, H. S., 89 St. Paul st.        Meyer, Henry,  102 Notre Dame st.
        Boudreau, Joseph,  111J St. Paul st.  Morand, P., 68 Bonaventure st..
        Brahadi, A., 88\ Notre Dame st.     Solomon,  C , 115 Notre Dame st.
        Hickok,  Carter H., 115 St. Paul st.
                 MONTREAL           HAT AND FUR MART,

        HAT       MANUFACTURER                    AND       FURRIER,
                   and  Importer of every article in the Manufacturing  line,
                                  153 ST. PAUL  STREET,

        Has always on hand and for sale upon very  favourable  terms, an extensive and superior  assortment of
        HATS of every description.  His FUR,  SILK and BEAVER  HATS are invariably manufactured under
        his own immediate superintendence, and he can confidently  recommend  them as being a better article
        than  anything imported into  Canada at the prices at which they will  be sold.
          COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and RETAILERS  GENERALLY, would do well to call and examine the LARGE
        STOCK now on hand  before purchasing elsewhere.  He has always on hand a LARGE  and VARIED stoek
        of  FUR GOODS well suited to the country trade, to which  he would  also respectfully  call the attention
        of intending  purchasers at WHOLESALE.
        JV. B.  Constantly on hand a complete assortment of Hatter's  Stock and Trimmings.  Cash and the highest
                                 price paid for all raw  furs.
                   GEORGE                     M'lVER,


                         NO.  135 NOTRE    DAME    STREET,

       Keeps constantly on hand an extensive  and VERY  SUPERIOR  ASSORTMENT of every article in his H
       of business, which he offers at wholesale or retail upon  very favourable  terms*
                                 Cash paid for shipping  furs*
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