Page 197 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 197
ANDERSON, AULDJO, EVANS & Co., general merchants and importers, 12 to 18 St.
Gabriel st.
BUCHANAN, TSAAC & Co., general merchants and importers, 2 St. Alexis st.
BRECKANRIDGE, JAMES, general merchant, 11 St. Sacrament st.
CUVILLIER A., & Co., importers and general commission merchants, 11 St. Sacrament st.
BURNS, J. & A., & Co., general and commission merchants, 11 St. Sacrament st.
DARLING, WILLIAM, importer and general merchant, 169 St. Paul st.
DARLING, D. & C, importers and general merchants, 219 St. Paul st.
DOUGLAS, WILLIAM, importer and general merchant, 62 Commissioners st.
EDMONSTONE, ALLAN & Co., importers and general merchants, corner of Fortification
lane and St. Francois Xavier st.
GILLESPIE, MOFPAT & Co., importers and general merchants, 132 St. Paul st.
GILMOUR & Co., importers and general merchants, 9 St. Sacrament st.
GORDON, JAMES, SC CO., importers and general merchants, 5 St. Sacrament st.
HOLMES, KNAPP & Co., importers and general merchants, Pointe-a-Calliere.
HALLOWELL, ROBERT, importer and general merchant, St. Helen st.
JOSEPH, JESSE, importer and general merchant, corner of St. Helen and Recollet sts.
LESLIE, STARNES & Co., importers, general merchants, and wine merchants,
Recollet st.
LEMESTIRIER, ROUTH & Co., importers and general merchants, Water st., opposite the
Upper wharf.
MASSON, BRUYERE, THOMAS & Co., importers and general merchants, 142 St. Paul st.
M'GILL, P., importer and general merchant, 4 Great St. James st.
MOLSON, JOHN, jun., importer and general merchant, 81 Water st.
NOAD, F., & Co., importers and general merchants, corner of St. Sacrament and St.
Peter sts.
ORR, JAMES R., general and commission merchant and importer, Commissioners st.,
corner of Port st.
PANTON, T. C , & Co., (formerly J. B. Tony,) importers, wine, and general merchants,
7 St. Sacrament st.
REDPATH, PETER, importer and general merchant, 166 St. Paul st.
HODDEN, WILLIAM, general merchant, 191 St. Paul st.
jltatottl tttti City ihrks,
RYAN, CHAPMAN & Co., importers and general commission merchants, Cuvilliers' block,
St. Peter st.
TIPLING, HENRY, importer and general merchant, 226 St. Paul st.
TORRANCE, DAVID, importerand general merchant, coiner of St. Paul and St. Nicholas sts.
TORRANCE & BUSTEED, importers and general merchants, corner of St. Peter and
Lemoine sts.
WALKER, JOSEPH, importer and general merchant, 11 St. Sacrament st.