Page 201 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 201

MONTREAL.                             211

        GUN        MAKING             ESTABLISHMENT

      SPORTSMAN'S                         WAREHOUSE,
             No.  51 NOTRE  DAME  Street,  next  the Commissariat  Office,

      DOUBLE     AND     SINGLE     BARREL       GUNS    AND RIFLES,

                              OP  EVERY  DESCRIPTION.
             Powder, Shot, Percussion  Caps, and a great variety  of  very  Superior

      N. B.  Gun repairs  neatly  executed  Bell Hanging  in  the most  modern  and  approved
                         HAIR  DRESSERS  AND PERFUMERS.
      Allan, John, 212 Notre  Dame st.   Moretti, Pietro, 41 McGill st.
      Allan, W. B., 63 St. Lawrence st.  Macrow, John, St. Lawrence  hall.
      Bansley, David, 127£ Notre  Dame st.  Palmer,  John,  17 St. Gabriel st.
      Boyce, J. R., 15^ Notre Dame st.   Rankins, W. F., Exchange  court.
      Ennis, John H., McGill st.         Smith, L. M., 137 Notre  Dame st.
                              HARDWARE   MERCHANTS.
      BELIVEAU,L. J.,importer of shelf and heavy hardware of every description, 69 St. Paul st.
      BOYD, J. & Co., commission  merchants, and  manufacturers'  agents forJAmerican  hard-
         ware, paper,  cordage, belting, hose, and india  rubber  goods, 110 St. Paul st.
      BREWSTER  & MULHOLLAND, importers  of  shelf  and heavy hardware  of  every descrip-
          tion, 177 and 179 St. Paul st, corner  of St. Francois Xavier st.
      BREWSTER, W. & C, importers  of  and wholesale and retail  dealers in shelf  and heavy
          hardware, agricultural  implements, &c, &c, 184 St. Paul  st.  See card,  page 213.
      BRYSON, ALEXANDER,  wholesale dealer in general  hardware,  Cuvillier's  buildings, west
          wing, St. Sacrament st.  See card, page 214.
      EVANS,  JOHN  HENRY,  importer  of  shelf  and heavy  hardware  of  every  description,
          agent for McWatter's  platform  scales, 197 St. Paul st.  See card, page  212.  *
      FERRIER  & Co., importers of shelf and heavy  hardware  of every  description  and agents
          for the St. Maurice forges, 181 £ St. Paul st., corner of St Francois Xavier st. See card,
          page 212.
      FRANCIS, BENJAMIN, general importer  of shelf and  heavy hardware, 214 St. Paul st.
      FROTHINGHAM  &  WORKMAN, importers of  every kind  of  shelf  and  heavy  hardware,
          165 St. Paul st.
      GRAY,  GEORGE II., & Co., Boston, importers  of  and  dealers  in  foreign  and  domestic
          hardware and  other  goods  of  every  description,  represented  by Win. Whitty  in
      HALDIMAND,  BROTHERS, importers  of  all kinds  of  shelf  and  heavy hardware, 85 St..
          Paul st.  See card, page 215.
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