Page 199 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 199
SUTHERLAND, JAMES, dealer in wines, liquors, groceries, picklea, &c, 50 McGill St.,
corner of St. Joseph st.
SUTHERLAND, T. S., grocer, and dealer in teas, wines, tiquors, provisions, &c, 108 Notre
Dame St., corner of St. Jean Baptiste st.
THOMSON, JOHN, dealer in groceries, teas, coffees, wines, liquors, and provisions, 72 St.
Paul st.
THOMAS, RICHARD, grocer, and dealer in teas, coffees, wines, liquors, provisions, &c,
35 Great St. James st., corner of St. Peter st.
TIFFIN & ELLIOTT, dealers in groceries, teas, wines, liquors, pickles, sauces, provisions,
&c, 64 St. Paul st.
Adams, J. D., 121 St. Lawrence st. Devine, John, corner Dorchester and St.Urbain sts.
Anderson, Richard, St. Henry st. Doyle, James, 112 Sanguinet st.
Anderson, Robert, 95 St. Antoine st. Dowd, Elizabeth, 52 Bleury st.
Archambault, A., St. Mary st. Drake, G., 53 St Lawrence st
Armstrong, William, 151 St. Joseph t Duclos, Pierre, corner Montcalm and St. Cathe-
Apjohn, James, 50 St. Dominique st. rine sts.
At well, Wm,, corner Dorchester and Bleury sts. Dunbar, William, Woli'e st.
Austen, Charles, St. Henry st. Dumas & Neveux, 61 St Paul st.
Baillie, Robert, corner Vitre and Chenneville sts. Dupras, C , St Maryst
Balchin, George, Campeau st. Ealie, E., Tolentin st.
Bare", N., 236 St. Joseph st. Eamond, John, corner St. Catherine and Panet sts.
Beck, G. C, 67 St. Joseph st. Elliott, Robert, corner Wellington and Prince sts.
Borland, C, corner St. Dominique and Mignonne Emerson, Henry, Amherst st.
sts. Feeny, James, 89 St. Joseph st.
Beriau, Joseph, Jacques Cartier square. Feron, John, corner Alexander and Jure" sts.
Berthiaume, N., St. Catherine, near Bleury st. Feron, M. J., corner Vitre and Alexander sts.
Bigelow, T., corner St. Catherine and Bleury sts. Fennell, Mrs., Lagauchetiere st.
Biron, Edouard, corner McGill and St. Joseph sts. Ferns, E. F., corner Laganchetiere and St.
Bourbonniere, M., 63 St. Mary st. Dominique sts.
Bower, J., corner Dorchester and St. Constant sts. Ferguson, George B., 99 Commissioners st.
Bowie, Alexander, St, Lawrence bt. Filialrault, Octave, fc'eaton st.
Bourgeau, J. B., corner Wolfe and Dorchester sts. Finneran, Mrs., corner Herniinc arid Jure sts.
Boyd, Junies, College st. Foley, (). C, corner Vitro and St. George sts.
Crazier, Samuel, St. Nicholas Tolentin st. Garvin, James, 2 St. Antoine st.
Brazier, Samuel. 52 St. Mary st. Gaudry, Olivier, corner St Constant and Du-
Brissel, N., KW St. Joseph st. Marais sts.
Brouillet. P. C . 2N Bonaventure st. Geen, George, St. Lewis st.
Bruchesi, P., 183 St. Joseph st. Germain, Joseph, Visitation st.
Buck, M., 228 St. Paul st. Gibson, James F., Dorchester st.
Burns, John, Inspector st. Gilroy, Susan, 71 Mountain st
Byrne, Thos., corner St. Constant and St. Cath- Groves, John, corner Hermine and Jure" sts.
erine sts, Haberly, John, corner Amherst and Lagauche-
Cadieux, Francis, St. Lawrence st. tiere sts.
Calfe, Henry, 8 St. Paul st. Hamelin, Samuel, 105 St. Lawrence st
Carroll, Patrick, Sanguinet st. Hennessy, Mrs., 69 Sanguinet st.
Catie, Ls., corner St. Denis and St. Catherine sts. Hick/Robert, 17 Commissioners st.
Chaput, L., ll Commissioners st. Hodge, William, Campeau st.
Charlebois, L., 113 Commissioners st. Hodge, J., corner Lagauchetiere and Campeau sts.
rhoret, Olivier, corner St. Constant and Du- Houston, Mrs., Anderson st.
Marais sts. Hughes, Michael, 17 St Mary st.
Clark, William, St. Mary st. Johnson, John, corner Amherst and Dorchester st.?.
Clavell, L6on, German st. Johnston, Thomas, Dorchester st.
Cloutier, S., St Joseph st. Johnston, Richard, 118 St. Mary st.
Cole, W., Lagauchetiere, near Amherst st. Jolicour, J. B., corner Mignonne and Ger-
Conway, Thomas, 67 Sanguinet st. man sts.
Corbeilte, Paul, Montcalm t Jordan, Henry, M'Cord, near William st
Corbeille, S., corner Dorchester and Montcalm sts. Kelly, Thomas, 99 Craig st.
Corbett, Mrs., LagauchetieTe st. Kelly, William, 25 St. Urbain st.
Corbett, William, Bonaventure t Kenworthy, Edward, 26 St, Antoine st.
Coxon, Francis, 28 St. Charles Borrome"e st. Kerens, John, Wellington, corner King st.
Craig, Mrs., 88 Amherst st. Kerens, Daniel, corner Vitr6 and Chenneville sts.
Cramp, B., 22 St. Mary t Kershaw, John, 14 McGill st.
Crepeau, J., corner German and Mignonne sts. Koester, Mrs. G., St. Antoine, corner Mountain st.
Cunningham, John, St. George st. Labelle, Joseph, 49 St. Paul st.
Curran, W., corner Bleury and Lagauchetiere sts. Ladurantaie, Mrs., 43 St. Joseph st.
Darragh, Peter, 40 St Maurice st. Laffan, Henry, corner Hermine and Lagauche-
Darragh, Hugh, 186 Notre Dame st. tieTe sts.
Deery, Henry, Wellington st. Lafond, J. E., Sanguinet, corner Dorchester st.
Demers, A., corner St. Mary and Fullum sts. Lagarde & Tiffin, 71 St. Paul st.