Page 207 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 207
WOULD respectfully inform their numerous wholesale customers and others, throughout the Canadas
and elsewhere, that they will have manufactured for the Fall Trade, the most varied and extensive
assortment of Fur Goods and Hats ever before offered to the public. G. & S. are constantly dressing,
coloring, and manufacturing throughout the year, under their own immediate inspection, Mink, Otter,
Martin, Fisher, Beaver, Muskrat, &c—and have constantly on hand a general assortment of Fur
Caps, Gloves, Gauntlets, Muffs, Boas, Victorines, Jenny Linds, &c, &c, &c, in the Fur line; and
in Hats of the latest fashions and qualities, ranging from 45s. and upwards per dozen. Owing to the
increased demand Messrs. G. & S. have made improvements in their manufacturing departments, so
that they are enabled to supply their numerous customers at lower rates than heretofore, and on terms
most liberal. Intending purchasers are requested to call and examine the superior style and finish of
our goods, before purchasing elsewhere, which we feel confident will give entire satisfaction.
N. B. Cash and the highest price paid for Shipping Furs.
1st July, 1851. 229 St. Paul Street, Montreal.
ADELPHI HOTEL, W. C. Cogan, Place d'Armes—steaks, chops, oysters, &c, at all
CALEDONIA HOUSE, Mrs. McHardy, corner of "Wellington and Grey Nun sts.—good
yard and stabling, and every accommodation for farmers, &c, at this house.
CALEDONIA HOUSE, John Morrison, 234 St. Paul st.—excellent accommodations for
farmers and travellers, there being a good yard and stabling, and the charges very
CANADA HOTEL, Mrs. St. Julien, 24 and 26 St. Gabriel St.—this house is in the vicinity
of the steamboat landings and affords excellent accommodations.
DONEGANA'S HOTEL, G. W. Billings, 19 and 21 Notre Dame st. See card, page 219.
EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE, . P. fevine, Exchange Court, St. Paul st.—a livery stable
is attached, and the house will be found comfortable and charges moderate.
EAGLE HOTEL, Temperance house, F. Duclos, College st.—travellers will meet with
every attention and convenience at, this house.
GRANT'S HOTEL, John Grant, St. Henry st.—every attention is paid to guests at this
house, and the accommodations will be found good.
HAYS' HOUSE, George . Pope, Dalhousie square. See card, page 220.
LONDON COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Isaac Moffatt, 64 Commissioners st.—this will be found
a comfortable and convenient house for travellers. See card, page 221.
MACK'S, (late Rasco's,) HOTEL, John Mack, 65 St. Paul st.—good accommodations and
reasonable charges are the rule adhered to at this house.
MONKLAND'S HOTEL, John Orr—the drive out to this house is very pleasant, and every
desirable comfort and recreation are to be found in the house, and on the grounds at-
tached to it.