Page 15 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 15


      McLean, John, steam flour mills & cloth  factory.  Roberts, John, merchant  tailor.
      Maghcll, Henry,  cabinetmaker.      Robinson, R. F. W.,  school  teacher.
      Marlatt,  Isaac Clinton, Exchange  Hotel.  Roy  & Co., general store.
      Marlatt, Isaac,  ironfounder.       Sehwabb, William,  potter.
      Mills, Henry,  bootmaker.           Tufford,  Martin,  blacksmith.
      Morris, George,  waggonmaker.       Walker, John  S. r  storekeeper*
      Morrow, Robert,  tailor.            Wigg, Edmund,  baker.
      Prudhom,  Charles, blacksmith.      Woolverton, A. N.,  M» D»
      The  VILLAGE  of  Beaumont  is situated  on the River  St Lawrence,  in the  Seigniory  of  the  same name
      and  county  of Bellechasse, C. E.—distant  from  Quebec, 9 miles.

                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Boilard, Lewis.                     Labrecque, Francis, saw  mill.
      Chabot, Jean,  millowner.           Moseau,  Joseph.
      Chasseur, Germain, general store.   Montranci, James.
      Cote, Lewis, miller.                Noel, Rev.  Narcisse Louis, Roman  Catholic-
      Enouf,  Abraham, innkeeper  and  general store.  Peltier,  Hector.
      Faucher,  M.,  millowner,           Roy,  Hilaire.
      Fraser,  Thomas.                    Turgeon, Zepherin, general store-
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  Lake  St. Louis, in  the  Seigniory  and  County  of  Beauharnois, C.  E.—distanr
      from Montreal, 33 miles—usual steamboat fare, 2s. 6d.—usual stage fare,  3s. 9d.  Population  about 800.-
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      BROWN,  LAURENCE  GEORGE, agent  for the  seigniory, and J.  P.
      WILSON  & JACK,  dealers  in  groceries, dry  goods, hardware, grain, and  country  produce,
      Bogue, Henry, postmaster,  and  dealer  in groceries, dry  goods, and hardware.
      Duncan,  George B., brewer  and  baker.
      Johnston, Robert, dry  goods store.
      Robillard,  W v  grocery, dry  goods, and  hardware  store.
      Blanehard,  Moses, advocate.        Leonard, Joseph,  notary.
      Bogie, Antoine,  saddler.           M'Martin,  Alexander,  blacksmith.
      Bouche, Pierre,  innkeeper.         Norval, R. H.,  clerk to seigniory.
      Caverhill, J.  & T.,  general store.  O'Doherty,  I>r., physician,  &c.
      Charland, Rev. D., Roman Catholic.  Roy, Basil, baker  and  grocer.
      Dault,  Charles, advocate.          Sabourin, Dr.  Moses.
      Gernon, Dr. John  G.                Thibeau, Joseph,  saddler.
      Haig, Rev. Thomas,  Presbyterian.   Thorn, Robert,  innkeeper.
      Haiuault, Louis,  notary.
     The  VILLAGE  of  Beaverton  is situated  on Lake  Simcoe.  in  the Township  of  Thorah,  county  of  York,
      C. W.—distant  from  Toronto,  75 miles,  and  from  Whitby,  45  miles—usual  steamboat  fare  from  Hol-
     land  Landing, 5s.  Population  about  150.
     Anderson, John, tanner  and  currier.  Grierson,  J.  &  Co., Beaverton  mills  and  genera*
     Anderson,  John,  constable  and  inspector  of  ta-  store.
       Terns.                             Grey, Thomas,  limeburner.
     Borthwick, J.  Douglas, school  teacher.  Horth, Stephen, merchant  and  miller.
     Boynton, John, stage proprietor|and  hotelkeeper.  Kennedy, E.,  carpenter  and  builder.
     Calder, Duncan,  distiller.          Kingdom, Roger, M. D.
     Calder, Alexander, turner  and saw  mills.  M'Cuaig,  Duncan,  waggonmaker.
     Cameron,  Donald,  township  reeve,  postmaster,  M'Cuaig, Alexander,  blacksmith.
       and general store.                 M'Hallie, James, innkeeper  and  blacksmith.
     Cameron, Alexander, carpenter  and builder.  M'Innes,  Donald,  innkeeper.
     Cameron, John, tailor  and  bailiff.  M'Nab, Andrew, tailor.
     Campbell, James, tailor  and  bailiff.  Morison, Malcolm, general  store.
     Cathcart, John,  shoemaker.          Morison, William,  cooper.
     Ellis,  G., pilot  of steamer  Mohawk.  Proctor,  George,  general  store,  miller  and  dis-
     Ellis, James, carding  and fulling  mills.  tiller.
     Elder, George, weaver.               Robinson,  Charles,  flour  merchant,  and  clerk o&
     Elder, James,  weaver.                court.
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