Page 195 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 195
GOULD, IRA, Montreal Mills, canal basin, office, 123 Commissioners st.
JANES & OLIVER, flour merchants, Pointe-a-Calli6re.
M'DOUGALL, JAMES, canal mills, south side canal basin, office, 90 Commissioners st.
Charlebois, P., Commissioners st. I Renaud & Fr^re, 106 Foundliag st.
Latham, Richard, 28 St, Francois Xavier st | Sauvageau, David, 49 Commissioners st,
BARNUM, WALKER & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Common st., canal
BENT, GEORGE, agent for Jason C. Peirce Jk Son, 183 St. Paul st.
BONTER, J., forwarder and commission merchant, Common st., canal wharf.
CLEMOW, F., & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, canal wharf.
COOTE, WILLIAM, & Co., forwarders and Custom-house agents, A. Gundlack, agent, 61
Commissioners st., and at St. Johns.
GLASSFORD, JAMES A., forwarder and commission merchant, Common st., canal basin,
corner Grey Nun st.
GREGORY, S. E., & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, lower canal basin.
GUNDLACK, ALEXANDER, general forwarding agent, 61 Commissioners st.
HOOKER, HOLTON & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Common st., canal
JONES, H., & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Wellington et., canal basis.
KER, JOHN, forwarder and commission merchant, canal wharf.
MACPHKRSON, CRANE & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Common st., near
Dalhousie st.
MURRAY, DONALD, & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Colborne st., canal
basin. See card.
SEE, CHARLES H., forwarder and commission merchant. Common St., canal wharf.
SMITH, GEORGE, forwarder and commission merchant, Hanover St., Beaver Hall.
UNITED STATES & CANADA FORWARDING, Travis & Co., A. Gundlaek, agent, 62
Commissioners st.
WALKER, JAMES A., forwarder and commission merchant, opposite canal basin.
Lapensee, V. R.,Common st., canal wharf. | Voligny & Sylvestre, Common st, canal wharf.
The subscribers beg respectfully to announce, that in addition to their usual Forward-
ing Business, they are prepared to act as agents for steamboats, propellers, schooners,
&c, &c, arriving at Montreal, from Canada West, or from American Ports.
Having extensive premises fronting the new Basin and Sheds of the Lachine Canal,
they can store Flour, Pork, Grain, &c, at a very low rate, with a great saving in cartage.
Produce sold on commission, and advances made on same.
Liverpool Coarse and Fine Salt, and Pig Iron, kept constantly on hand and for sale.
Goods entered Inwards at the Custom House, and Produce Shipped to Great Britain,
Lachine Canal Wharf.
BRUSH, GEORGE, EAGLE FOUNDRY, steam-engine and machine manufactory of all kinds,
King, near Common st.
IRWIN, JAMES, Foundry, steam-engine, mill and machine manufactory of every descrip-
tion, Ann, near Wellington st.