Page 180 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 180
StallNo.41.) rpv, a J
StallNo.34. ) ; B o w e r s > ,n l Thomas Saunders.
36.—Thomas Pashby. 43.—Edward Larose.
37.—George Heron. 44.—Narcisse Versailles.
38.—C. Magen, sen. 45.—Michael Jovanetti.
39.—Eustache Languedoc. 47.—Joseph Bourdon.
40.—William Ryan. 48—William Wyard.
John Abbott, clerk of Market.
Stall No. 1.—Michael Laviolette StallNo.13—Edward Howell.
2 } 14.—Francois Latreille.
^ > Simeon Delorme.
15.—Medard Raimond.
3.—Joseph Lavictoire. 16.—Emery Lavigne.
4.—Jean Baptiste Gauvreau. 17.—Louis Rochon.
5.—Jean Baptiste Laviolette. 18.—Antoine Bourdon.
6.—W. R. Brown. 19.—Joseph Latreille.
7.—John Reinhart. 20.—Jacob Keller.
8.—Nicolas Etier. Amable Dorval public crier and clerk of the St.
9.—Michel Laforce. Lawrence Market; Residence at the end of the
11.—Pierre Roi. Butcher's Market, St Dominique street
12.—Jean Baptiste Duchene.
BAIRD, EDMOND, 3 Place d'Armes—English and French upholstery goods always on
hand, consisting of satin and other damasks, brocatelles, fringes, gimps, cords, &c.,
of the latest fashions, woods and veneers of all kinds.
BEERS, J. C, 189 Notre Dame st.—a choice stock of furniture of the latest style always
on hand, at moderate prices.
DRAKE, F. L., upholsterer, 174£ Notre Dame st.—upholstery work done to order in the
most fashionable style upon moderate terms.
FRASER, SAMUEL, 14 St. Joseph st.—keeps always on hand or makes to order all des-
criptions of furniture, of the best quality and at low prices.
HILTON, J. & W., 17 Great St. James st.—cabinetmakers, upholsterers and importers
of damasks, mooreens, fringes, laces, gimps, &c.
JOHNSON, JOHN, 4 St. Joseph st.—has always for sale a stock of good furniture, which
he can warrant, and which he offers low for cash.
MCMASTER, WILLIAM, 156 Notre Dame st.—an excellent stock of every article in the
line for sale cheap, upholstery work promptly attended to.
POULIN, PIERRE, 20 Great Si. James st.—offers for sale on very low terms, a good stock
of furniture, warranted of the best workmanship.
REED & ME AKIN s, 44 Great St. James st.—manufacture furniture and cabinetware of
all kinds in both ancient and modern style.
ROBERTSON, CHARLES, 54 McGill st.—keeps on hand or makes to order furniture of
the best quality, and at reasonable prices.
TWEEDY, JOHN, 19 Great St. James st., up stairs,—a large and superior stock always
for sale on moderate terms, upholstery work of all kinds and orders for furniture,
promptly attended to.
Allen, William, 32 McGilt st. Pariseau. & Brother, 10 Bonaventure s*.
Armstrong, George, Haymarket square. Pariseau & Co., 22 Chenneville st.
Burrell. James, Sydenham st. Ranson, John H., 37 St. Lawrence si,
(Jaw, Z. C , 16 St. Joseph st. Redhead, T. M., 12 McGill st.
Fortier, L., 102 Bonaventure st. Robinson, Robert, & R., 42 Bleury st.
Mearns, Charles, 5 St. Mary st. Skinner, Mrs., upholsteress, Lagauchetiere, near
Morice, James, 79 Craig st. St. Lawrence st.
Moore, Richard, 49 Notre Dame st. Wray, Joseph, 79 St. Lawrence st.
ASPINALL, ROBERT, carpenter and joiner, Sophia lane, off Craig st.
FRECHETTE, OLIVIER, carpenter, builder and contractor, Bonaventnre st.
HUTCHISON & MORRISON, carpenters, builders and contractors, 167 Craig st.
KENNEDY, WILLIAM, sen., carpenter, builder and contractor, Cleveland place, Jur6 st.
KENNEDY, WILLIAM, jun., carpenter, builder and contractor, 13 Bleury st.