Page 177 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 177
D. & J. SADLIER & Co.,
No. 164 William street, New York—No. 128 Federal street, Boston,
KEEP constantly on hand, at their different establishments, over FORTY THOUSAND
VOLUMES OF BOOKS, comprising Works on Law, Medicine, History, Biography,
Poetry, Fiction, Agriculture, Mechanics, &c, &c.
Our stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, comprises an assortment of all the School Books in gene-
ral use in the United States and Canada.
C A T H O L I C B O O K S .
Our stock of Catholic Works is the largest in America, and being principally of our own
manufacture, we can sell them lower than they can be purchased elsewhere.
4000 of the latest novels always on hand—New ones as they are published.
Twenty Thousand of Currier's Prints.—First quality at $5j the
hundred.—5000 Second quality, at $4£ the hundred.
Perforated Board at Two DOLLARS the DOZEN.
Comprising—Letter, Note, Tissue,Foolscap, and Medium Paper ; Envelopes, Wafers,
Sealing-Wax, Slates, Portfolios, Penholders, Drawing Pencils, Water Colours, &c.,&e.
Being extensively engaged in the publishing business in New York, we have facilities
for manufacturing, exchanging and buying books, superior to any Bookseller in Canada,
and we are prepared to sell Books both by Wholesale and Retail, as cheap, as they
can be purchased on the Continent.
D. & J. SADLIER & Co.,
119 Notre Dame Street, Montreal.
G. V I R T U E , SON. & Cos,
107 Craig Street, MONTREAL.
J. B. BABJRATT, Agent.
THE following are a few of the Illustrated Works to which the Agent would particularly call atten-
tion, viz.:
Fletcher's Bible, new edition, London Art Journal,
Fletcher's Scripture History, new edition, Barclay's Dictionary, with maps, new edition.
Gibbon's Decline and Fall, " " Tomlinson's Cyclopedia of Useiul Arts.
Fleetwood's Life of Christ, " " Book of British Song, with Piano-Forte accom-
Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress, " " . paniment, and Biographical and Historical
Forty Days in the Desert on the track of the Notices, by G. Hogarth, Esq., new edition.
Israelites, Shakspeare,
Josephus, new edition, Hume & Smollett's History of England, witk
Scripture Illustrations, with notes, by Rev. J. maps, new edition,
Cumming, Mrs. Hall's Scenery and Character of Ireland,
Sacred Music, by Jas. Turle, &E. Taylor, Esqs. Wilkie Gallery, new edition,
Christian in Palestine, or Scenes of Sacred History, Nicholson's Carpenter's Guide, new edition,
from sketches taken on the spot, by W. H. Switzerland,
Bartlett, Robert Burns.
Waiks about Jerusalemn and its environs.
N. B. Young Men of Good Character employed to take Orders for these Works.
Inquire of the Agent as above.