Page 178 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 178

MONTREAL.                            187

                             BOOT AND   SHOESTORES.
      BELL,  JOSHUA  & THOMAS,  114 Notre  Dame  st.—a  large stock  of boots and shoes well
         adapted to the country trade, for sale at very low prices.
      BROWN & CHILDS,  130 Notre Dame  st.—a  superior  stock  of boots, shoes, leather, &c,
         constantly for sale upon  favorable  terms.
      DANGERFIELD,  WILLIAM,  111^ Notre  Dame  st.—an  excellent  stock  of every  article  in
         the line  constantly  on hand, or made to order.
      ELLIOTT, S., 160 Notre  Dame  st.—boots and shoes of every description  always on hand
         or made to order, upon  moderate terms.
      EVANS, S., 36 McGill  st.—boots and shoes of all kinds  for sale wholesale or retail  very
         low for cash.
      HALDANE,  JAMES, 203 Notre  Dame  st.—a  large  stock  constantly  on hand, and for sale
         wholesale or retail, at low prices.
      HARDING,  JOHN,  111 Notre Dame  st.—merchants  from  Canada west are invited to call
         and examine the stock here,  before  making their purchases—terms liberal.
      HAWKINS  & SLACK,  126£  Notre  Dame  st.—every  article in the line  for sale  wholesale
         or retail, on the lowest possible terms.
     LAIRD, A. W., 105 Notre  Dame st.— a well  made  stock  of boots and shoes of every
         description, for sale  very  low*
     RONALD,  ALEXANDER,  127^ Notre  Dame  st.—keeps  always on hand a superior  stock
         of every  article in his line, wholesale or retail, at low prices.
     SCHOLES,  FRANCIS,  107^ Notre  Dame  st.—boots and shoes of the best  quality  for  sale
         wholesale  or retail, on very  reasonable  terms.
     SLOAN,  JOHN,  122.^ Notre  Dame  st.—keeps on hand or makes to order  boots and shoes
         of the best quality, at low prices  for cash.
     THOMPSON,  EDWARD,  99 Notre  Dame  st.—gentlemen's  boots  from 7s. 6d. to 20s. per
         pair, and shoes in proportion—ladies'  boots from  5s. 6d. to 9s. per pair,  and shoes
         equally  low—the  public are invited to call and see.
     THOMPSON,  HUGH, 215 St. Paul  st.—French  and English  calf skins,  sole leather, lin-
         ings, bindings, boots and shoes, &c. constantly on hand  and for sale low.
      SMYTH,  WILLIAM,  & Co., 46  McGill  st.—an  excellent  stock of  boots and shoes of all
         kinds constantly  for sale wholesale or retail, upon favorable  terms.
      Austin, James, 173 Notre Dame st   Johnson, William, 171 Notre Dame st.
      Anderson, James, 209 St. Paul st   Lang, Richard, 151 Notre Dame st.
      Arcouette, L.  C , 78 Notre Dame st.  Larue, Pierre, 107 St. Paul st.
      Barron, W., 75 St. Lawrence st.    Logan, Andrew, 62 Bleury st.
      Beatty, Charles, 97 Notre Dame st.  MeKerchar, Charles, Jacques Cartier square.
     Blundell, James,  177 Notre Dame st.  Martin, Hugh, 84 St. Mary st.
     Bourgoin, Isidore, 157 St. Paul st.  Monaghan, Alexander, 12 St. Mary st.
     Busseau, H., 159 St. Paul st.       Paquet, S., Campeau st.
     Chase, T., corner of St. Catherine and German sts.  Pears, Carter,  137 Commissioners st.
     Collins, D., Place d'Armes hill.    Perry, John, 185J Notre Dame st. •
     Contant, J., 58 St. Mary st.        Pomeroy, A., St. Mary st.
     Cooke, Robert, agent, 120 Notre Dame st.  Pudsey, A., St. Dominique st.
     Douglas, William, 41 St. Joseph st.  Ranson, John, Vitre st.
     Dugal, E., 42 Notre Dame st.        Robinson, Francis, 127 Notre Dame st.
     Fegan, Edward, 232 St. Paul st.     Rolland & Lapierre, 80 St. Paul st.
     Fegan, Peter, Wellington st.        Sheridan, John, 119 St. Paul st'.
     Flanagan, J., St. Maurice st.       Smith, John, St. Mary st.
     Grant, John, 10 St. Paul st.        Thibodeau, O., 81 St. Paul st.
     Harold. John, 16 St. Mary st.       Tracy & Fegan, 4 Wellington st.
     Harmer, D., 58 St. Lawrence st.     Tuott,  Olivier, 47 St. Paul st.
     Hunter, George, 121 Commissioners st.  Watson, Richard, 98 St. Lawrence st.
     Jackson, Thomas, 236 St. Paul st.
                           BREWERS  AND DISTILLERS.
     Dow  & Co., brewers and distillers, St. Joseph st., near  Chaboillez  square.
     MOLSON, T. & W., brewers and distillers, St. Mary st.
     PHILLIPS, H.,  & Co., brewers, 170 St. Lawrence  st.
     STUART, C. D., rectifying  distiller, 49 Notre  Dame st.
     WILLIAMS, MILES, jun., brewer,  College st.
     Lachapelle, A., brewer,  117 St. Mary st.  |  Prentice, E., brewer, St. Bernard st.
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