Page 143 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 143

152                          MONTREAL.

       Rope  Factory,                 237  Tea and Coffee  Warehouse,    241
       Saddlers and Hi'arnessmakers,  238  Telegraph  Companies,         164
       Saddlery Hardware  "Warehouse,  . . . .  238  Tin  Plate Workers,  241
       Sailmaker,                     238  Tobacconists,                 241
       Savings Banks,                 167  Trinity  House,               161
       Sheriff's  Officers,           238  Trunkmakers,                  244
       Ship Builder,                  238  Turners,                      244
       Ship Chandlers,                238  Type  Foundry,                244
       Silversmiths,                  238  TJmbrellamaker,               244
       Smiths, Horse-shoers, &c       238  University  of M'Gill  College,  160
       Soda Water  Factory,           239  Veterinary  Surgeons,         246
       Stage, Steamboat  and Railroad  Offices,  .  .  239  V e n t r i l o q u i s t  a n d  B i o l o g i s t , .  . . . . .  2 4 4
       Starch  Factory,               241  W a t c h m a k e r s  a n d  J e w e l l e r s ,  . . . . .  2 2 4
       Staymakers,                    239  Water  Works,                 153.
       Stove and Axe Warehouse,  . . . . .  241  Weighing Machine Makers,  246-
       Slucco Worker  and Statuary,  .  .  ~  .  .  241  Wine  Merchants  246*
       Surgical Machinist and Trussmaker,  .  .  241  Wire  Workers,      247
       Tallow  Chandlers,             241  W o o d e n  W a r e  a n d  C l o c k s ,  & c .  . . . .  2 4 7
       Tavern  and Innkeepers,      .  218
                                    CITY  COUNCII.
       His  Worship the  Mayor—Charles  Wilson. Esq.,  Centre  ward.
       East  Ward—Alderman,  E. R.  Fabre;  Councillors, A. Prevost  and F.  Leclaire.
       St.  Mary's  Ward—Alderman,  P. Lynch;  Councillor, W.  McDonald.
        Centre  Ward—Alderman,  S. Benjamin  ;  Councillor, A.  Hall.
        St.  Lewis  Ward—Aldermen,  J.  Grenier  and J.  B.  Homier.
        West  Ward—Alderman,  A.  Macfarlane  ;  Councillors, J.  Leeming and N.  S. Whitney.
        St.  Anns  Ward—Councillors,  McCambridge  and  Larkin.
        St.  Antoine  Ward—'Councillors, E. Atwater  and O. Frechette.
        St.  James  Ward—Councillors,  E.  Lamarche  and J.  A.  Montreuil.
        St.  Lawrence  Ward—Councillors,  J,  Whitlaw  and J.  B. Bronsdon.
       OFFICERS—John P.  Sexton,  city  clerk;  Edouard  Demers, city treasurer;  James A. B.
           McGill, city  surveyor ;  Charles  Glackmeyer,  assistant  city  clerk ;  Pierre  Blanchet,
           translator;  George Harding and John Higgins, assistants treasurer's  office;  Antoine
           Dupre,  clerk water works;  J.  Perrigo,  inspector  and  chief  engineer  fire  depart-
           ment ;  Thomas  McGrath,  chief  of  police;  John  McKercher,  overseer  of  roads ;
           Joseph  A.  Bourdon,  clerk of  Bonsecours market;  Olivier  Loranger,  assistant do.;
           John  Abbot,  clerk  of St. Ann's  market;  Joseph  Robillard,  pound  keeper, clerk of
           hay  and  cattle  market,  Tiger  square  ;  A.  J  Joubert,  bailiff  and  crier  mayor's
           court;  Thomas  Somers, messenger;  J  F.  Pelletier,  attorney  ;  William  Ross, and
           D. E. Papineau,  notaries ;  Maurice Eardly, clerk  hay  market;  Antoine  Schwartz,
           assistant  clerk ;  George  Garth,  superintendent  of  water  works ;  G.  N.  Gosselin,
           collector  of water  rates.
                             FAKES  OF  CABS  AND CALECHES.
                                                                        s.  d.
       For  conveying  one  or two  persons from  any  one  place  to any  other place, within
           the  city  limits, and  returning,  (provided  the time  occupied  does  not  exceed
           half  an hour,)...w...,.                                     0  10
        For  every  person  over two  5d.  each,"extra.
                           If the time  exceeds  half an hour,
       For the first hour,                                     ,        2  0
        For  each  subsequent hour,...                                  1  6
        And  at the  same rate  for  intermediate  quarters  of an  hour:
        From  the  Longueuil  ferry  to the Lachine  railroad  station,  for  1 or 2  persons,  1  3
        Do.       do.    do.   do.  for  3 or more persons,             1  10$
                              FIEE  ENGINES  AND STATIONS.
        John  Perrigo, chief engineer;  John  Fletcher,  Alexander  Bertram,  assistant engineers.
        1. Montreal,  Dalhousie  square.
        2.  Neptune,  St. Mary  St., "Quebec  Suburbs.
        3.  Voitigeur,  German  st.
        %. Hook and  Ladder,  and  Hose, Craig  st.
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