Page 118 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 118

KINGSTON.                          127

                         IRONFOUNDERS  AND  MACHINISTS.
      EAGLE  FOUNDRY, Hamilton & Co., iron  and brass founders, and manufacturers of stoves,
          potash  kettles,  &c, head  of Princess st.
      GORE  ST. FOUNDRY, John  Honeyman, iron and brass  foundry,  and steam  engine works,
          potash  kettle and stove  manufactory.
      KINGSTON  FOUNDRY,  Joseph  Bruce,  iron  and brass  founder,  steam  engine  and mill
          gearing builder, Ontario st.
      MAIR,  ALEXANDER,  engineer  and  machinist,  Princess  st.—manufactures  the  newly
          improved  portable  steam  engine,  from  one horse  power  upwards.
      ONTARIO  FOUNDRY, P. D. Booth & Co., sole manufacturers  of Counter's patent  summer
          and winter  air-tight  cooking stoves, and every  kind  of airtight  cooking, parlour, box
          and  fancy  stoves,  &c, Ontario st.
                                LIVERY  STABLES.
      MINK, G., Telegraph  house, livery  stable keeper,  Clarence st.
      Furser, J., Brock st.     •      |  Hance, J. T., Princess st.
      ELAMANZI, J., looking  glass and picture  framemaker,  Clarence st.
                   LUMBER  MERCHANTS  AND  PLANING  MILLS.  ,
      CITY  STEAM  SAW MILL  with  planing  machine,  upright  and circular  saws,  tenoning
          machine  and lumber  yard  attached, G. A. Cumming, King st.
      WADDINGHAM,  ROBERT,  steam  planing  mill with  upright and circular  saws, and lumber
          yard,  Wellington st.
      Davison,  G., Princess st.         Marriot,  George,  Princess st.
      Macpherson,  Allan,  King st.
                               MARBLE   FACTORY.
      WELCH, E. R., marble  factory,  Princess  st.—chimney-pieces,  tomb  stones, &c.
                             MASONS, PLASTERERS,  &c.
      Brown, W., Bagot st.               Milner, J., Barrie  st.
      Filey, W., Wellington  st.         Stewart,  J., Ontario st.
      Kelly  & Lauder,  Bagot st.        Tosswell,  W., Colborne st.
      Mathews, E., Wellington  st.       Wales,  William,  Bagot st.
      Mathews, R., Johnson st.
                             MATCH   MANUFACTURER.
      PHILLIPS, J., wholesale  match  manufacturer,  Princess st.
                       MERCHANT   TAILORS  AND  CLOTHIERS.
      ANDREWS,  GEORGE  W.,  mercer  and tailor,  importer  of  British  woollen  goods,
          Princess st.
      BROWN,  GEORGE,  merchant  tailor and  clothier, Brock  st.
      KEELY,  WILLIAM,  merchant tailor, King st., next  door to Glass' hardware  store.
      RICHARDSON,  JAMES, tailor and clothier, Brock  st.—keeps  always on hand, or makes to
          order  every  description  of clothing at reasonable  prices.
      STACEY, EDWARD, merchant tailor, King st.—clergymen's and barrister's  gowns made to
          order, fashions  received  regularly.
      Brown,  R., Princess st.           Livingston,  C., Princess st.
      Daly, P., Wellington  st.          Matbison,  J., King st
      Early, T., Brock st                McEwan,  J., Brock st
      Grace, P., Princess st.            McManamin, J., Brock st.
      Greenwood,  J., Princess st.       Murphy,  C., Brock st.
      Haldenby,  W.,Kingst               Moore,  William,  Brock st
      Hutchinson,  C ,  Brock st.        Swain, J., Brock st.
      Kingston, T., Brock st.            Sutton, M., Brock st
      Abbott,  Mrs.,  Clarence st        McLeod,  Miss,  Brock st
      Allen  & Harper,  Brock st         O'Neil, Miss, Princess st.
      Derby,  Miss,  Princess st.        Smith,  Miss,  Wellington  st
      Kelly,  Misses,  King  s t         Youlden,  Miss,  Princess st.
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