Page 115 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 115

124                          KINGSTON-
                               COMMISSION  MERCHANT.
        "WATT, JAMES, general  commission  merchant  and  agent, Ontario  st.
        ANDERSON,  DAVID, Ontario st.—baker  and  confectioner, &c,  candies  and  confectionery
            at wholesale  and  retail.
        CICOLARI, A., King  st.—wholesale  and  retail  confectioner.
        DUMBLE,  HENRY, wholesale  and  retail  confectioner,  Shades  saloon, corner  of Welling-
            ton  and  Brock  sts.—wedding  cakes made to  order, liquors  of the  best brands only.
        WILLING,  THOMAS,  confectioner,  restaurateur,  &c,  Wellington  st.—luncheon,  &c,
            in  any  number, in the  most recherche  style—a  few  boarders  accommodated.
        Mowat, O., Queen st                 Jamieson, R.,  William st.
        Scobel, R., Ontario st.
        SUTTON, J.,  surgeon  dentist, Princess  st.
                         DRY  GOODS MERCHANTS, (WHOLESALE).
        BROWNE  & HARTY,  dry  goods  merchants  and  importers, corner  of  King  and  Clarence
            sts.,  opposite the  British  American  hotel.
        MCMILLAN, W.,  & Co., importers  of dry  goods, Princess  st.
        SHAW, A.  & D., wholesale dry  goods warehouse, Exchange Hall, City buildings, entrance
            from  Reading  Eoom  stairs and  Market  square—merchants'  supplies  of  British  ma-
            nufactures  imported  to  order.
        WILSON,  WILLIAM, importer  of British  and  Foreign  dry  goods, Brock  st.
                                 DRY  GOODS, (RETAIL).
        BROWNE  & HARTY, importers  of British  and  Foreign  dry  goods, Market  place.
        BRYCE J.  D.,  & Co., importers  of  British  and  Foreign  dry  goods, wholesale  and  retail,
            corner  of King  and  Princess sts.
        DEYKES  &  Co.,  importers  of  and  general  dealers  in  British  and  Foreign  dry  goods,
            wholesale  and  retail, King  st.
        DRENNAN,  SAMUEL  T., linen  and  woollen draper,  silk mercer  and  haberdasher,  1 and 2
            Commercial  Buildings, Princess  st.
        MCCRACKEN,  WM., dry goods merchant, British  woollen  and  fancy warehouse, Princes*
        MCNEE  & WADDELL,  importers  of  fancy  and  staple  dry  goods,  Glasgow  warehouse,
            corner  of Princess  and  Wellington  sts.
        WHITEHEAD,  JAMES J.,  importer  of British  and  Foreign  dry  goods, Victoria  warehouse,
            corner  of King  and  Brock, sts.
        WILSON & GOODEVE, importers  of  British and Foreign dry  goods, Wellington  buildings,
            Wellington  st.
        Bell, J., & Co., King st.           Hickey, A., Wellington st.
        Diekson, R., King st.               Hogan, M. B., King st.
        George, J., Princess st.            Kennedy, G v  Princess st
        Haines, Forster & Co., Princess st.  Romayne, P., King st
        Hardy, E.  Bf., Princess st.
        PJ&ABODY, M. M., engraver  and  copper  plate  printer, 6 Brock  st.
                                 EXCHANGE  BROKERS.
        ANGEL, T. J.,  exchange  and  general broker, King st.
        HAVEN, J.  C ,  exchange broker  and  Life, Fire  and Marine Insurance  agent, King st.
        DUPUY, H., exchange  broker  and Insurance  agent, Market  buildings.
                                   FANCY STORES.
        MCMILLAN,  C ,  sen.,  fancy  and  music  store, Brock  st.—every  description  of  musical
            instruments  constantly  on  hand.
        Bourne, M. A., Princess st.
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