Page 98 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 98
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THE above house having been fitted up in a'style of comfort and elegance not surpassed
in Canada, now offers to travellers or permanent boarders, every accommodation which
can be desired by the most fastidious. THE SITUATION is central and salubrious.
THE TABLE will be at all times supplied with the best which the markets afford.
The WINES and LIQUORS are invariably of the very best brands, and an OMNIBUS
eonveys passengers to and from the steamers FREE OF CHARGE.
PETTINGER, W M . , blacksmith, Blacksmiths Arms inn, Court-house square—travellers
will find good, accommodation at reasonable terms.
ROACH, GEORGE, billiard and bowling saloon, King st.
Allatt, H., innkeeper, Court-house square. Lavis, J., innkeeper, Court-house square.
Armstrong, J., recess, York st. Learmond, A., innkeeper, James st.
Atkins, R., billiard and bowling saloon, James st. McDonald, J., innkeeper, James st.
Awty, J., billiard and bowling saloon, York st. McKay, J., innkeeper, McNab st.
Beaty, T., innkeeper, Court-house square. McKay, R., innkeeper, James st.
Burns, John, western saloon, King st. west. McKay, J., innkeeper, King st.
Campbell, J., innkeeper, James st. Nelligan, D., innkeeper, Court-house square.
Dewey, D., city recess, King st. west. Nixon, J., innkeeper, James st.
Dickson, W., innkeeper, James st. Nowlan, O., innkeeper, James st.
Fish, R., innkeeper, James st. Pritchard, J., innkeeper, King st.
Ford, W., innkeeper, James st. Robinson, J., innkeeper, John st.
Foster, R., innkeeper, Burlington st. Savage, A., temperance recess, York st.
Gillesby, Thomas, innkeeper, James st. Stell, V.,innkeeper, Main st.
Gordon, S., innkeeper, Burlington st. Stone, E., shades, Court-house square.
Grant, A., innkeeper, John st. Tyson, William, innkeeper, James st.
Harris, M. L., innkeeper, Kingst. Wilson, J., recess, John st.
Kent, J., temperance house, King William st. Wilson, T., innkeeper, McNab st.
Kenney, H. L., innkeeper, James st. Yaldon, W., innkeeper, James st.
BEEMER & NEWBURT, dealers in clocks, gold and silver watches, jewellery, fancy ar-
ticles, &c, King st., second door from Hughson st.—watches, clocks and jewellery
repaired on the shortest notice and warranted.
MAGILL, EDWARD, clock and watchmaker and looking glass manufacturer, King st.
MARTYN, J. N., jeweller, clock and watchmaker. King st.
RUSSELL, R., working jeweller and silversmith, King st.—every description of gold and
silver mounting, &c.
WARE, T. P., & Co., dealers in clocks, watches, jewellery, fancy goods, temperance
regalia and emblems, sign of the large watch, King st.
Carter, J. F., jeweller, King st. Osborne, R., watchmaker, James st.
French, J., watchmaker, John st. Taylor, W., watchmaker, James st.
Nickerson, J., watchmaker, James st.
BRAY, JOSIAS, land, insurance and general agent, notary and conveyancer, James st.
KEILLER, ANDREW, accountant, land, house and general agent, Victoria buildings, Jamen
st., next door to the Commercial Bank.
MACDONALD, W . R., notary, exchange broker and general fire, marine and life agent,
King st.
Blyth, T. A., land surveyor, King st.. west Ebbs, John Edward, custom-house broker, Custom-
Kerlie, J., general agent, Hughson et house.