Page 4 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 4
This publication is entitled :nix Mcr.:rnZe Cemeteries for a good rearon. The
"cmctery" off Nerivale Read, adjacent to and behind the Merivale United Church,
actually comprirer three distinct burial groundr. There are the cemeteries of
St. John the Divine Anglican Church and Merivale United Church, and the Herivale
Cemetery. the latter now operated by Pinecrest Cemetery Company. Another burial
ground lies to the south of there which server the Ukrainian and Greek Orthodox
denominations. The fallowing concerns the first three cemeteries only.
The rerinzlc Cmet~ri.?r has been long in the making. The project began in the
spring of 1919 when the persons whore names are listed on the title page set out to
record the lnanumental inscriptions in the three burial groundr. A day in June war
spent organizing the recording, dividing the cemetery into manageable units for
small groups to tranrr~ibe all the information that appeared on the 900-odd rtoner.
Over that su!mer, we completed our task and the work war double-checked. The
inscriptions in thir publication represent the cemeteries as they vere in August
1979. Monulnert~ erected after that time and inscriptions added to existing stoner
are not included in the recording. Since that summer, the indices, map and other
infonllatian were prepared.
i wish to thank most of all Lois Long for her time and generous offer of her
Material. both historical and photographic. Her enthusiasm and encouragmlent
carried me over the two years that this has been is the making. Many of the older
!photographs of the churches are hers. The historical information on the churches
and suggestions of people to contact were most helpful.
Bruce Elliott provided guidance, sought Pinecrest Cemetery for a print of their
plot plan, and is responsible for the sections on tile Hoppers of Herivale, the
Oranoe Order decoration service lists. and rumertin~ the UIP of the Nesbitt
srrapbaakr for obituaries. The latte; vere r.epr.oduc;d from copies held by Lois
John Francis, Archivist for the Archives of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa,
allowed me to reproduce burial entries pertaining to Merivale. The Pinecrert
Cemetery C3. Ltd. allowed us ta (use their plot plan and later assisted in preparing
the brief historical sketch of their operation, Donald E. Read spent part of a
[morning and a roll of film capturing viewr af the cemetery of which many are mt
included in the final product.
The people whose names appear on the title page vere invaluable to thir
undertaking. Without their time and effort, the cemetery would have remained
unrecorded and therefore inaccessible to genealogirtr and others wishing to gain
information regarding the people interred in nerivale.
Kenneth F. Collins and Dorothy Relyea assisted in many ways in their
capacities as cenieter'y co-ordinatorr of the Ontario Genealogical Society and the
Ottawa Branch of it.
(Cover photo by Donald E. Read)