Page 6 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 6

Little action  seems  to have  been  taken  towards  the  erection  of  a  solely
                             Presbyterian  church  until  1812.  I\t the  congregational  meeting  of  February  15.  1875,
                             a  Conlmittee  war  appointed  to  oversee  the  building  of  a  new  church.   This  church,
                             completed  the  following  year,  ir the  one  which  still  stands  by  the  roadside.
                                 Burials  had  been  made  on  the  rite as  early  as  1857.  Presbyterians  Pollock  (U57).
                             Gilbert  Nelron  (UnS),  and  Sarah  Ann  Nelron  (U45)--all  had  been  interred in what
                             became  the Presbyterian  burial  ground  before  the  land war  actually  donated  to the
                             congregation.   Over  the  next  hundred  yearr,  burials  took  place  in the  little section
                             available  to the  Presbyterians,  and,  after  1925,  United  Church  congregation.   The
                             19301;  raw  a  move  towards  beautifying  and  cleaning  up  the  cemetery.

                                 Following  the  donation  of  land  to  the  Presbyterians  in 1860,  the  Anglican
                             congl-egatian  made  full  use  of  the  property  to  which  they  would  receive  title  sixteen
                             Year!;  later.  The  land  that  the  An~licans received  was  already  beino  used  for  inter-
                             ment!;  before  1876.  The  earliest  known  burial,  John  Bell  (~13j. tooi  place  in thir
                             section.  Other  early  burials  here  included  those  of  Phiceas  and  Robert  Hulvagh,  two
                             children who  died  in 1849  and  1854  respectively  (A51),  and  those  of  the  firrt Urthur
                             HoDD~?~ Merivale  and  his  wife.  Anna  (A79,  A8DI:   At  least one  Presbvterlan.  however.
                             seem!;  to have  slipped  in;   ~ndrew Davidson,  who  died  in 1864,  was  buried  in d  plot
                             that  became  part  of  the  Anglican  Church  property  (A76). (5)
                                 Historical  accounts  of the  Church  mark  1873  as  the  year  when  the  Unglican con-
                             greg.ltian  erected  its awn  place  of warrhip.(6)   The  first  service  in the  new  church
                             was  held  on  Friday,  March  20,  1874,  by  the  Rev.  .lenmett  of  RacherterviIle.(7)   The
                             chur8:h  was  apparently consecrated  on  May  14  of  that  year.(81
                                 The  land  occupied  by  the  Anglican  church  and  cemetery  war  donated  after  these
                             events  had  taken  place.  The  Anglican  Diocese  of  Ontario  received a  gift  of  three-
                             Quarters  of an  acre  of  land  fran  William  Ho~~er  his  wife.  .lane.  in a  deed  dated
                             ~8y lo,  l876.(g)  This  property was  situatebadjacent  to  the  Presbyterian  Church
                             ProPl?rty which  William  had  previously  donated.
                                 The  first  St.  John's  Church  war  apparently  free  from  debt  from  the  start  and
                             was  financed  by  the  Anglican  residents  of  the  area.(lO)   At  the  time  it was  part  of
                             the  liirrion  of 'lepean  formed  in 1873  which  also  included  St.  Paul's  (now  St.  Luke's
                             Ottawa)  and  All  Saints,  Wertboro.(ll)   Between  1893  and  1898,  St.  John's  became  a
                             separate  parish.
                                 The  Hoppers  continued  to play  an  important  part  in the  church  and  cemetery:
                             lihen  the  church war  clared  for  repairs  about  1902  rervicer  were  occasionally  held  in
                             the  parlour  of  the  home  of George  8.  Hopper.   The  church  war  repaired  by  Arthur
                             Hopp?r  and  rervicer rerumed  in the  sacred  place  in 1903.  Vestry  minutes  point  to
                             furt'ler  renovations  being made  in 1905  and  1926.(12)
                                 Cemetery  lot raler  varied  considerably  over  the years.   In 1910,  lots  sold  in
                             the  4nglican  cemetery  totalled  421 .(13)  They  amounted  to $147.50  in 1915.   Proceeds
                                     ~~  . ~. .~
                             for  1923  were  $46.  $53  for  1424.  $70 far  1925.  and  941  far  1926.   Anolicans  could
                             either  ~urchare and  maintain  loti in the Unalican  section  or  lots  in the
                             privateiy-operated  Merlvale Cemetery  sectioi which  had  more  room  to  spare
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