Page 26 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 26


                                  IS  DEAD OF INJURIES

                            johtn Bayne,  of  blerivale, ;  I
                               .:::-uck  by  Motor Car  on l
                               >:drurday  Evening.         1

                                                                     Dr. MuliPr  received  e.   renorl  of  I
                                                                   11,-   ~.lreunlslanrrs  Bnd  avrned  an.
                                                                                   yeslet-llns  pfler- I
                                                                   lnp!~~: Uurney'e  underlnklne par-
                                                                   lilrr  a1  5  o'clo,:k
                                                                   on.  The  Jurors  viewed  the  1.e-
                                                                   krl:l?ri.   anel  then  ndl'lurr~~c!  unlll
                                                                   \Inntllv.  CGlh  insl..  u.h<.n it  n.111  ha
                                                                   ~r,nt;nur<l in ~II- Court  hol~r. Sirh- I
                                                                                             from i
                                                                   ~ll.,r r;rcel.   ;inti  lhc   edjourntnl.nt
                                                                   rn~ :,akcll   for  17s  Chlrl  Hn~~~illnn.
                                                                     The  l~ll~rill nIII  take  nli,cc
                                                                   lllr  f:#nlily  rcnidence.  Mcrlv*ls.  an '
                                                                   I         n   2  o'elork.  eh-4  ,,rd
                                                                   Ll#8?r. Intermcut  at  Uarlv~ln eeme- ;
                                                                           --     ~.
                                                                                   ~  -  .~
                                                                    .  BAxx-At   Ottsra om
                                                                   ;Jnn.'llLb   18X1.  John  Ba).ne,  son
                                                                    YI. Uld  Ym  Jam=# P.
                                                                    yak  Oot In bi. 11th  ear   Funrlr
                                                                    fror~'*imllr rcsldencr %eri\.nlr,  0.i
                                                                    en K~drreSday JYJe  15th. 1P:l
                                                                    c -- itirbrd he. to Jfsrlvnte'~~!
                                                                    hrterja churcb  Interment  11  hlrx
                                                                    vale msettrr.  .   .~ d-

                             i,i~.l#  L  ~JLPI.. Alixx  Jjaxnr,  itnd
                             ,,. ,,!~l,r~rlr~g lady  ~~C~X~I~I~I~YI~K
                             ~ 1 % i").   hull  lllr  lllllr  fellow  died
                             1,~f.s~. 1111.  110si,1181  WRI  reBchcd.
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