Page 25 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 25
Obituaries and death noticer are readily available sources Of genealogical
The ro:lcwing are obituaries and notices that pertain to the Herivale Cemeteries
and kept in scrapbooks prepared by Mrs. Thomas (Bertha) Nesbitt of Merivale from the
First Uorld War ue to the 1930s. There were made available thro~lgh copies held by
Lois Long and through Bruce Elliott.
Not all of the obituaries and notices in there scrapbooks are reproduced here.
5orrte were barely legible to begin with and therefore could not be included. Those
that do acppar are roughly arranged in alphabetical order. Individuals whose obit-
uaries an< notices arc lricluded are noted L." a dot (.) in the nominal
index towards the back of this book.