Page 65 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 65

                   152                              Plot xo.                                      Plot Kc.
                   Guesnelle.  Herbert  J.           5K34-35         -
                   ~uesnelle J.  ~hond  ' U34-35                   sechs,  Ksgdclena                    lEl6
                   Quesrelle,  Kitchell                 14E16      St.  Amend,  36vid  A.           1111-12
                   Quefiaelle, Bonald               '     15h.1    St.  Xmrnd,  ~eline(~s&eir:) ME
                   Quigiey,  Josephine  (Houe)  241i.7             St.  Amcind,  Edgar  K.          3L:6-74
                   Quilty,  John  J.                       44 4    St.  Amend,  Elizabeth  (~ee
                                                                         Con tois,  Christopher)  2386
                                                                   S6.  knimd,  Yary  (SOE Eourrie,
                   .Rn                                                   Ildegel  .                     2E16
                   Ralph,  Gecrge  W.                     1W7      Serichrtier,  Mathilde  (Seo
                   Palph,  Jane  Y.                       17w7     ,  -  Cloutier,  Stenieleug) lEll
                   Relph,  Mhrgaret  (See  Doyle,                  Sentho,  Bosena  (See  Leduc,
                             James )                      1W7            J.  B.)                        10W2
                   Pecolle t, Allan              ,         7W3     St.  Arnaud,  Id& (See  ~rowe,
                   Reid,  Adam  8.                        5E16           Serman) .                      7E17
                   Reid,  Francle                         6E16     St.  Georee,  Delis  (See .Legree,
                   Reid,  Yarlow                 .  .     6E16           Joseph)                   13-14E15
                   Fieill,  Hu&                          12W4      S6.  Lewrence,  Anthony  J.            BW3
                  Reill,  Mary  E.  (Clark)              12U4      St.  Peter,  Enme (See  Thomson,
                   Rettioger,  Thereaa  M.  (~ee                         George  J.  )                 12Ell
                       Hartford,, John  'ïhom:as)  2W7            :St.  Peter,  .George         ,      11Eli
                   Reynolds,  Francis  Knox  27319-20              St.  Peter,  Mary                   llEll
                   Rhee une,  Mary. Ann                    W4      St.  Peter,  Nellie                 1lEll
                  Richards,  Stanley  G.         :   W16-17        St.  Peter,  Victreon              ' 11E11
                  Richardson,  hobert  H.                13W1      Saudercook, .Lorne  L.           2$45-44
                  Rivers,  Dorman  C.                    17kr8     Sa ure , Carol Mary          6P: 25-24-25
                  Rivet,  Joseph                  '  lYU6-7       ..Sauve,  El1                       1      ~      6
                  Rivet,  Joseph  A.                  llW6-7       Sauve,  ~van~eliet                     91;3
                  Rivet,  Mary  Ann                   11W6-7       Sauve,  Josephine (Eerriau!t)l~6
                  Rivet,  Cmer              -   <   -  UU6-7       Ssuve,  Vary  Th6resa            2242-43
                  Rivet,  Regine                      llW6-7       Savege,  h'orman  D.                6K2-3
                  Roa,ch  Baby              -   .        15W1      Scella,  Siauel                  3b2.6-27
                  Roberts,  John                     2M47-48       Schubert,  Kery  (See Polachek,
                  Eoberts,  ïprne Kenne t.h  Joseph                      S teve )                   a4748
                                                     a4748         Scott,  Carol  Leura                  ZN16
                  ~obertson. vivian                      3x28      Se cord , Crac.                  ' . .  8E19
                  ~obinson ,.'~lm'a M.  (&u  thier)                Segouin,  Sand6  Ela ine              UI3 3
                                                '  14344-45        Sekleski,  Aurore                2x4146
                                                   -  -
                  Robinson,  ~Brgeret (See Murphy,                 Sekleski,  J.  John  L..         .   .  21W6
                            Richard)                 2319-20       Sekleski,  John                  2!:4546
                  Robitaille,  Ahna  Ised .                        Serre,  Analda  M.  (See  Cbpieuz,
                    . Ladouceur,  Herffian)  '  1W5                 -  Joseph)                          19W1
                  Robitaillq,  Arthur J.                   3W3     Severey,  sadie:                       TU 6
                  Rob1 taille,  Edmund  And ri           3E19     . Severgq , Ceorgo                     21W6
                  Fiobitaille,  Elizabeth ,  '           3El9      Shahon,  Berbara  (See  b';isherock,
                  Eobitaille,  Ernest J.             lN1-2-3      .    Alexander)                      17E20
                  Rob1 ta ille,  Leone              '    3E19      Sharlow,  Karguerite L.  (Blake)
                  Fiobitaille,  Louis                    3El9                                          16E14
                  Robitaille,  Marie  Delina             3E19      ~hau~ness~, tharine  '                 2W8
                  Robitaille,  Selide ,(Mincey)3E19                Shaugnessy , John                .. ZW8
                  Robitaille,  .Richard                  15W1      Shaugnessy,  L!argeret  '~ernilla
                  Ross,  Mary .L.  (See  ~<llins,                      .(Sec No ttinghem,  Thor;as)2XE
                            Peter  T.)                 16323       Shaver,  H'illiam  H,         .3N4-5-6'-7
                  Rousseau,  ~elia'~. (~llard)                     Shew,  James  G.                       W2
                                               16~10-11-12         Shawl,  h:ary  Agnes  (~ee Pilon,
                  Rudy,  John                        m45-46      - .  .  .  James)
                                                                   .   .                           t 1N28-27
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