Page 44 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 44
10W6 and 7--Grey Cround - 10Wa--Haised Grey Ground plaque:
Plaques within O'heilly Merkers: GGUIK
Edward J. Martin ~udger Gouin
1895-1942 1866-1916
Rene O'heilly beloved husband of
1902-1958 Jane Larmand
wlfe of 1879-1976
Edward J. Martin ---
James O'Reilly 10V:Z--Fallen Old Grey Stone
1860-1929 with Cross:
Ro8e OIEeilly - LE3EC
1872-1940 "at restR
~lexander Cuff - J. B. Leduc
1861-1932 born
Margaret Ovheilly April 20, 1846
wifé of died
Alex Cuff .. . - Kov. 21, 1918
1863-1949 his wife
CfiT'BELL - Rosena
Alexander Campbell Santimo
1911-1970 1857-1933
beloved husband of fcaised Grey Stone Plaque:
Beatrice OIXeilly mcucm
Pe ter Ladouceur
John Campbell 1893-1962
infant son of his beloved wifa
Alex & Beatrioe Mary Leduc
died 1949 1903-1956
Thomas O'keilly Eaised Grey Stone Plaque:
1e66-1829 Ida Leduc
Bertha Corbeau 1896-1949
wife af . - wife of
Thomas OIReilly V;illiam Dupu18
1872-1934 --- -.
Honora OIReilly
. --- with Cro8s:
1916-1921 10W1--FIigh Tied Granite Stone
10W5--Raised Grey Plaque: N'I"ILAli
YON hngelo, son of #
Ceorgina M. Arthurs Michael A. & Maria Keylan
1898-1958 Ott. 10, 1894-Aug. 11, 1917
beloved wife of Rrequiescant in paceR
Frank W. Yon John D. Neylan
"in fond remembranceR Jan. 6, 1891-Sep. 22, 1918
-- -
Raised Crey Plaque: Michael A. h'eylan
CEOK IR 1859-1938
Joseph Cronin his beloved wife
1897-1960 Maria Anderson
beloved husband of 1865-1937
Caroline E. Arthurs Frederick Neylan
Eaised Crey Stone Plaque:
Harris A. Gable
beloved husband of
Karie A. Neylan