Page 29 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 29
5K15 and 16--Eeised Grey Gr~r::?
Plaqce :
Welter hosario
beloved h~sband of
Cl~re Gregolre
-. 1902- .---
5ti40 and 41--
ZSiDEG 5x33 and 14--Reised Eec Strne P~E:L~:
Anna Troll VXIL!COühl
19C9-1570 Conrad J. VaIllancourt
beloved wife of 1924-1970
Istvan Lsldeg beloved husband of
19C5-1974 Wllma 1. Hornsby
5x34 and 35--Ralsed Red Stone
Plaque: 5Fll and 12--R6isel hed Stone Plaque:
Yerbert J. Quesnelle - Phillas S. Cadeeu
1901-1970 1910-1970
bslcved husbsnd of beloved husband of . . .
Lerle F. Dupuls - - Dorothy Hamilton ---
1906- 1513-
--- --- . -
5Y31 and 32--Reised Red Stone SR9 and 1C--Relsod hed Stone Plaque:
. Plaque: SOVEY
20 LOTY Rerman J. Sovey -
Theodore ZolOtY 1903-1970
1904-1970 . beloved husben? of
beloved hasbend Of Yadeleine W. Yorke
Sglvia Dragoman 1513- --- - - -
--- LWX;I~3ii
.hoty Mery, pray for us* 5N7 and 8--Fielsed BlacB'Plepue:
SE27 and 28--Ralsed.Crey Stone Paul K. blonde -
Plaque: 1889-1970
P WET hls beloved wife
Lena Drenorac Elizabeth Desiardlns
1904-1972 1814-1970 . -
beloved wife of -
5N4 and 5--Ralsed Grey Stoce Plaque:
--- W&D
Zlta Genier
5?!2,? and SV--Relsed Grey Stone 1920-19 70
Plaque: beloved wife of
in memory of Alex S. Isrmand
. Gertrude BINDER
beloved wife of - .- 6x47 and 4e--halsed Grey Stone Pleque:
Franz Schmidinger LPAGE
--- Joseph LePsge
5x20 end 21--halsed Grey Stone beloved husbsnd of
Plaque: Xery b!. Perrauït
SHIELS 1901- --- -
Edne A. Lacroix - -
beloved wife of
Wllfred J. Shlels