Page 31 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 31

wLm Soctior.  from  ROW  1M Plot  54  (deaigneteo ae  1K54)  to  Eow  41.:  Plct  1
                  (4Kij (aividmd  from  "Ku Secticn  bp  small  pin6  sr.d  ceder  tree6  ar.d  s
                 service  road).

                 US:--Raised        Grey  Stone                    1?!42--Raised      Grey  Stone  Plegue :
                                        Plaque:                    DPZCTTI                     (ni tb  Phc tc )
                 Frank  GILBAhX                                     in  loving  memory  of
                             ---                                   Guerrina  De:  Bo'
                 1952-1974                                         e  dear wife  and mcther
                 U51--Raisefi  Iied  Stone                         1935-1874
                                        Plaque:                                ---
                 Y cBMA                                            Ib:3!3--freised  Grey  Stoce Plcpue:
                 lsebella L:cl;enna                                                            (with Phcto)
                 1905-1973                                         MELhTX
                 beloved  mother  of                               Ziennis  KhLI\LX
                             ---                                   beloved  son  of
                 Ruby  Msrchend                                    1954-1673
                 1E5C--Raised  ~leck Stone                         John and  Dorie.
                                        Plaque:                                ---
                 CkCIismC                                          X37--Raised  hed  Stone  Pisque:
                 in memory  of                                     Yabel  PIUX
                 deer  son  &  brother                             1917-1973
                 Richerd  Micheel                                  beloved  wife  of  Jack
                 1959-1974                                         dear mother  of  Petricie,
                             ---                                   Bonnie,  kndrew  and  Genise
                 U:46  and  47--Raised  Black
                 Stone Plaque  (with Photos):                      USE--Raised  Grey  Cround  Pieque :
                 S 1 LTcY                          . -             Pestus  (Bud)
                 Douelas  H.        Robert  J.                     WIWKS
                 3556-1973          1953-1973                      1912-1974
                 beloved  sons  of
                 Bsrbara  and  John         -  -                   1K34  and  35--Raised  Grey  Stone
                 dear  brothera  of                                                                 P16que :
                 Ann,  Usck  end  Howard                           QUESKEJLE
                             ---                                   J.  Edmond  fuesneile
                 U45--Raised  Black  Stone                         1SC5-1973
                 Plaque  (with Fhoto)                              beloved  husband  of            ,
                 BUPEX                                             M.  A.  Leons  :arion
                 Willi~m (Bill)  Burke                             1904-       ---
                 belcved  son  of           .   .                  Ih:JI--Grey     Stone  Gmund  Pleque:
                 Mbrg  Lou end  Dennia                             SEGCUIK
                 Deceire                                           Wande  Elaine  lG43-15.73
                             ---                                   mother  of  Lorie  and  Debbie
                 deer  brother  of  Tom  k John                    wife  of  Frank  Segouin
                 UC41--Raiseci  Red  st%r.e Plaque:                deughter  of  Rerbert  and
                                                                               - - -
                 CADEAU     .                                      Ferle  Cuesnelle
                 Cecile  Chdeau
                 1923-1973                           -  .          Ur31--Ralsed  Red  Stone  Pisque:
                 beloved  wife  of                                 KELLY
                 Anselm  Cadeau                                    Xary  A.  Zoschke
                             - - -           . ..                  May  6,  1973
                                                                   Ianuary  19,  1913
                                         - -                        beloved  wife  of
                                                                   Frencis  B.  Kelly
                                 .   .-                                        ---
                                    . .  .
                          ..  .  .     .-.
                                            .  .
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