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             OFHS, SEpT. '92                                                       LACIiUTE PROTESTANT CEMETERy

             1931. In loving memory of John A. MacKlMMIE 1899-1949  1953. SHAW'At rest'                                 I
                 and his beloved wife Ruby Margaret RODGERS 1902-  1954. In loving memory of Lawrence M. CARPENTER 1901-
                                                                     1984 his beloved wife Nellie MAIDENS 1906-1990'At
             1932. Matthew JONES September 15, 1875 - September 13   rest'
                 1951 his wife Elizabeth Maud STEWART October 19,                                                       I
                 1878 - November 27,1949. Edward M. JONES May 15,  1955. Pte. George H. LORTIE 1268271900-1966
                 1897 - June 28, 1962 beloved husband of Pauline R  1956. W/0 Walter Mcindoe SERVICE 1896-1968. Royal Cdn.
                 PAQUEITE                                            Navy 'Lest we forget'
             1933. OrbyEdmund BURGESS May 29,1877 - May 23,1959  1957. LAW. Frances H. GREEN 1925-1979 RCAF. wwn        I
                                                                     'Lest we forget'
             1934. In memoriam William H. (Bill) BLAKELY 1895-1967
                                                                 1958. In memory of Grace G. MADDEN 1907-1984 wife of
             1935. A. Douglas McGIBBON December 25,1893 - May 19
                 1974 and his wife Iva E. FLOOD January 14, 1897 - Ja~u­  Ivan G. CARPENTER                             I
                 ary 14,1979                                     1959. (Masonic symbol) Elsie Mary RIDDELL June 18,1902-
                                                                     May 14, 1972 wife of George Ivan CARPENTER April
             1936. John N. FALCONER March 7,1884 - August 2,1961 be-
                 loved husband of May HEATH June 21, 1881 • July 26  10,1902 - December 9, 1979                         •
                 1975                                      '     1960. RCA.F. In loving memory of Reginald G. MacRAE
                                                                     born March 21,1924 died August 5, 1949 'We shall meet
             1937. VioletG. FALCONER 1914-1976 wife of Keith W.      again'
                 CLARKE 1914-1990
                                                                 1961. In loving memory of Donald GRANT June 3,1896 - Oc-  •
             1938. Lois F. MacCULLOCH September 11,1931- May 17,     tober 3, 1981 his beloved wife Grace M. MacTAVISH
                 1965 beloved wife of Keith R TITLEY
                                                                     March 14, 1902 - March 30,1984
             1939. Catherine BRAINEY 1906-1976 wife of Charles HARRIS
                                                                 1962. Ethel R HOOPER January 5,1920 - November 5,1986  I
             1940. In loving memory of Creswell R HADLEY July 13, 1917  1963. William John 1947-1954 son of Sydney & Ethel PATTER·
                 - September 4, 1980 beloved husband of Clover Eva   SON
                 COX. Infant son,twin of Gordon July 29,1946 - August
                 8,1946                                          1964. In n:'emory of Ermina CARPENTER April 24, 1881 -  I
                                                                     Apn14,1964 beloved wife of Norman HOLLAND Ne>-
             1941. In loving memory of William C.V. WHITE August 13,  vember 20,1880 - February 4, 1956
                 1918 - November 17, 1978 beloved husband of Grace Isa-
                 belle HADLEY                                    1965. Trevor HOLLAND only son of Norman & Ermina
                                                                     HOLLAND October 27,1908 - January 7,1987           I
             1942. William A. BRADSHAW September 25,1921 his be-
                 10)ed wife Evelyn (Lena) DAVIS September 24,1925 - (.  1966. In memory of Elizabeth Leon WALLACE December 25,
                                                                     1895· July 5, 19n beloved wife of Percival (Percy) CAR-
                                                                     PENTER November 6, 1899 - December 23 1989 also
             1943. Major W. Stewart JONES 1912-1991 beloved husband  their infant daughter             '    ,           I
                 of Agnes Lawson ELLIOTT 1912-(--)
                                                                 1967. William Provan MacCULLOCH July 19, 1895 - Novem·
             1944. William Henry SCOTT 1866-1943 and his wife Eliza-
                                                                     ber 2, 1973 and his wife Muriel Elizabeth JOSS May 16,
                 beth Ann GRAHAM 1862-1949, their daughter Elsie     1897 - February 18,1963
                 1905-1974                                                                                              I
                                                                 1968. Kevin Ray infant son of Robt. R and Jean E. CUN-
             1945. Thomas PATTERSON born January 1,l866died Ne>-     NINGHAM August 17, 1978 - November 22 1978
                 vember 4, 1943 and his wife Mary Elizabeth SUlTON   'Much loved, never forgotten'      ,
                 born December 25,1869 died October 25, 1949 'At rest'
                                                                 1969. (Masonic crest) In loving memory of John W. HADLEY
             1946. John M. MACKIE 186S-1954 and his beloved wifeChar-  born August 26, 1919 died September I, 1974 'No pain,
                 lotte L. IRISH 187S-1952
                                                                     !,O grief, no anxious fear can reach our loved. one sleep-
             1947. Henry Hector COBON May 19, 1918 - May 7,1981 his  mghere'                                            I
                 wife Caroline Louise 0 EACON June 21, 1923 - (-)
                                                                 1970. Herbert Ewart LONGLEY September 18,1897· July 3,
             1948. William J. DEACON died September I, 1975 aged 85  1977 dearly beloved husband of Kathleen BRADLEY
                 years. lila Florence DAVIS beloved wife of Wm. J.  19n. CARPENTER 1885 James Roy 1973 beloved husband of
                 DEACON died September 2, 1949 aged 59 years                                                            I
                                                                     1887 Myrtle P. GALBRAITH 1942. 1925 James Ar-
             1949. (Masonic symbol) In loving memory of Clarence J.  chibald 1980 beloved husband of 1920 Florence FOX
                 MILLER Ar.ril9, 1901 - October 14,1954 and his be-  1991
                 loved wife essie STANIFORTH April 10,1905 - Octe>-  1972. James McNISH 1891-1977 and his wife Bessie   I
                 ber 5, 1983 'At rest'
                                                                     MENZIES 1894-1976
             1950. Wyman D. McRAE May 30,1912 - November 9, 1954  1973. Wesley Bingham YOUNKIE December 16, 1904 - Au-
                 'At rest'
                                                                     gust 27, 1975 'There is rest in heaven'
             1951. Margaret Leith JOSS July 28,1890. August 15, 1960 be-  1974. Victor WOOD 1902-1981 his wife Violet COPELAND  I
                 loved wife of Russell CARPENTER February I, 1887 -  1899-(-)
                 March 13, 1975
                                                                 1975. BERRY 19330ifton W. (-) his wife 1932 M.M. Patsy
             1952. D. Edna CARPENTER 1913-(-·) wife of Gordon A.     MENARD 1974                                        I
                 SUlTON 1907-(-) and their son Russell A. SUlTON
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