Page 159 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 159
Earlier records are available but
Knights Fees - Members of the
nobility were in the habit of letting are retained by the ministers of the
out land to men who thus held it appropriate religious denominations.
Applications should be sent to the
directly from them and not from the
crown. Tbese holdings were known Registrar GeneraI of the Presidency.
as Knights fees and called rhus be-
cause they were designed to sup- Virgin Islands. Records dating froni
port the armed service of a Knight
1859 are heId by the Commis-
together with, in most cases, a num-
sioner. Prior to this date there are
Anglican records from 1816, Wes-
ber of his retainers.
leyan from 1800. Applications to
This service was generally avail-
the Registrar General, Tortola,
able for so many days in each year
British Virgin Islands.
and in this mannzr the noblemen
could be sure of providing an army
for himself. or if called upon by the Lesotho - No details of the regis-
Sovereign. This system operated tration procedure in this state are
availabfe at present.
£rom circa 1150.
Library Padlities - The Library at
the British Museum receives copies
of every book published. This same
right is heId by the Bodleian at
Oxford, the University Library at
Cambridge, the National Library of
Lay Subsidiary Rolls and Hearth Library and Trinity College, Dublin,
If therefore one wishes to carry out
Tax Returns - Indicate the exis-
research in any of the numerous
tence, locality and ro some extent
publications of assistance to a
the status of peopIe.
genealogist and one is near one of
ihese centres. the volumes one
Leeward Islands -
requires are readily available there.
Antigua. Records of Births, Mar-
Public Libraries are operated by
riages and Deaths dating
alrnost every city and town council
1856 are deposited with the Regis-
a,d many of these hold a number
trar General.
of such volumes but the choice will
Montserrat. Civil registration was naturally be limited.
Records prior to -this date are Livery Companieg - As early as the
held by the parish clergy. In- 12th century groups of London
quiries should be made through craftsmen and tradesmen, in asso-
the Registrar General, Plymouth. ciation with each other forrned
St. Christopher - Nevis. The com- guilds for the general protection and
mencement of civil registration in assistance of their craft or trade.
the Presidency are widely dis- Many of these livery companies as
persed as follows: St. Kitts, Births they came to be called are no
1859, Marriages 1885, Deaths longer in existence but 83 of their
1859. Nevis. Births 1860, Mar- number still survive.
riages 9 Deaths 1861. Many of îhese livery companies
Anguilla. Births 1901, Marriages maintain records and assistance can
1925, Deaths 1901. frequendy be given to the genealo-