Page 164 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 164

Non-Parochial Registers relate solely
                              to  England  and  Wales.  Almost  al1
                              are £rom Protestant Non-Conformist
                              Churches;  they  include  several
                              Registers  of  Huguenot  and  other
                              Foreign Protestant Churches in Eng-
                              land  and  a  separate class of  Regis-
                              ters  of  the  Society  of  Friends  Pakistan  - Completed  registers  are
                              (Quakers). Indexes  to  the  latter  are  deposited
                              preserved  in  the  Libraty  of  the  General  of  Births,  Marriages  and
                              Society  of  Friends,  Friends'  House,  Deaths  of  the  respective  provinces.
                              Euston  Road,  London  N.W.1. The  Registration  of  Christian  and  most
                              few  Roman  Catholic  Registers  Parsee mariages date back  to  1872
                              which  are  included  corne  mainly  and  1865 respectively.  There  is  no
                              from  the  North  of  England;  other  registration  for  Hindu,  Moslern  or
                              Roman Catholic Registers remain in  other  religious secrs.
                              the custody of  the present priests-in-
                              charge  of  the  respective  churches.  Parish  Registers  -  These  were
                              A  few  Registers  reIate  to  non-  ordered  to  be  kept  by  Henry  VITI
                              denominational institutions;  such as  in  1538.
                              the  City  of  London  burial  ground
                                                                 Initially  there  was  considerable
                              al  Bunhill  Fields  and  the  British  opposition  against  the  keeping  of
                              Lying-In  Hospital,  Holborn.  There  Parish  Registers,  in consequence  of
                                                               which, except in a very few Parishes.
                              are no Jewish Registers.
                                Most  Non-Parochial  Registers  they  are  very  haphazard  and  in
                              relate  to  the  period  1775-1837,  al-  rnany  cases  almost  impossible  to
                              though  a  few  do  continue  beyond  read.
                                                                 Various  Ordinances  were  passed
                              tliat  date  to  as  Iate  as  1857  and
                              several go back as far as the middle  to ensure better  maintenance  of  the
                              of  the  seventeenth  century or  even,  Parish  records  but  it  was  only
                              in  the case of  some Foreign Protes-  gradually  that  the  sysrem  came  to
                              tant  Churches, to  the sixteenth cen-  be adopted wholeheartedly.
                                                                 In  1597 an  order  was  issued  by
                                A fuller account of  the history  of
                                                               the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  that
                              these  Registers  will  be  found  in  copies  of  the  registers  should  be
                                                ' Nonconformist  sent  each  year  to  the  Registrar  of
                              Registers '  in  the  Journal  of  the  each  diocese.  These  came  ta  be
                              Society  of  Archivists,  Volume  II,  known  as the  Bishop's  Transcripts.
                              No.  9,  pp. 41 1-417.
                                                               Parish  Registers,  Proceedings  for
                              North  Borneo  - Al1  registrations  Obtaining  Information - The  first
                              prior  to  the Japanese  invasion were  step is to write to the vicar or rector
                              los1  but  efforts  are  being  made  to  of  the  Parish  giving  hirn  as  much
                              reconstruct  the oId  registers.  Regis-  information as possible and ask hirn
                              trations  from  15th  July  1946  are  specific  questions  to  which  you
                              rilade  with  the  Registrar  of  each  require  answers.
                              district.                          One  must  remember  rhat  the
                                                               Parish  incumbent  is  a  busy  man
                                                               who  is  generally  poorly  paid  and
                                                               one sliould, therefore.  if  at al1 poss-
                                                               ible. send him tlie rettirn postage fee.
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