Page 156 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 156

O'Hart  in  1875  and  generally  fast  application  rnay  be  made  10:
                                       to  as  O'Hart's
                                                                         Messrs. Ellis,
                              Families, gives  an extremely  ambi-
                              tious  genealogical  record  of  ali
                                                                        78  May  Street,
                              well  known  Irish  families  consist-
                              ing  generally  of  nothing  more than
                              a  string  of  names.  This  volume
                                                                 A  certain  arnount  of  reliable  in-
                              must  never  be  taken  as  reliable  formation  with  regard  to Irish mili-
                              unless  information  taken  from  it  is  tary  history rnay be  obtained  from:
                              checked from some other source.
                                                                 The Military History Society of
                                ' Burke's  Landed  Gentry  of  Ire-
                              land ' consists of  four editions.  1899,
                                                                       1 Northgate  Street,
                              1904, 1912 and  1958. Prior to  1899.
                              the  Irish  families  were  included  in
                                                                        Co. Westmeath.
                              'Burke's  Landed  Gentry',  estab-
                                                                 Senrch into Irish pedigrees should
                              lisbed  in  1836 by  John  Burke  and
                              carried  on  by  his  son  Sir  Bernard  never be looked  upon as being easy.
                              Burke  who  was  Ulster  King  of  One  must  possess  a  considerable
                                                               amount  of  patience  and  not  be  jn
                                Other  printed  sources  include  a  burry  and  be  thanuul  when  one
                              Dalton's  ' King  James's  Irish  Amy  is  able  to  produce  information  that
                              List'  of  1689. The Freeman's  Jour-  gives a reliable answer to one's  prob-
                              nal,  Walker's  Hibernian  Magazine  lems.
                              (1771 to 1812) and old copies of  the
                                                               IsIands,  Channel  - These  Idands
                                If  reference  is  to  be  made  to  a  consist  of  a  small  group  of  Islands
                              Society  well  versed  in  searching  close  to  the  North  West  Coast  of
                              Irish  records  there  are  one  or  two  France.  The  principal  Islands  are
                                                               Jersey,  Guernsey,  Alderney  and
                              avalable.  For example:
                                                               of  the  Duchy  of  Normandy  which
                                 The Society  of  Genealogists,
                                                               still  belong  to  the  British  Crown.
                                   37 Harrington Gardens,
                                                               Acts  of  the  British  Parliament  do
                                       London  S.W.7
                                                               not  apply  to  tliese  Islands  withour
                                                               their  consent,
                              has  a  considerable amount  of  Irish
                              material.  but  the  Society  is  excep-
                              tionally  busy  and  inquiries  rnay   Sark, and they are the only portions
                              rake  a  considerable  time  to  be
                              answered.                          Births, marriages and deaths have
                                Aiternatively. the application may   been  officially  recorded  in  Jersey
                              be made to:                      since  1842.
                                                                 Complete Regislers  of  births  and
                                       The Secretary,          deaths  are kept  by  the  Parish  con-
                               The Irish  Genealogical  Resea   cerned.  In  the  case  of  marriages,
                                          Society.             two  registers  are  kept,  one  by  the
                                      82 Eaton Square,         Parish  concerned  and  the  other  by
                                      London  S.W.1            the Superintendent Registrar.  Infor-
                                                               mation may  be  obtained  by  apply-
                                For  additional  searchers  in  Bel-  ing  to:
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