Page 158 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 158
the Jewish World and the Ashkena-
The Registrar General.
Government Office,
zim Jews who consisted largely oE
the refugees £rom oppression in
Isle of Man.
Russia. Poland and Rumania.
Examples of some known pecu-
Registraîions prior to this date may liarities with regard to changes in
be obtained £rom the Parishes con- Jewish names include the following.
Israel. Mordecai Hamburger -
cerned .
Isaac Ben Israel - Isaac son of
Wills are recorded in:
Mordecai from Hamburg, Zevi be-
came Hirsch, Hirschell, Hart and
The Probate Registry,
even Harris. Ben Uri became
Finch Road,
PhilIips and Ben David became
TsIe of Man.
Jewish records are retained in the
synagogues and may also frequently
and the title deeds to Real Estate
be obtained from:
are preserved in the Register of
Deeds at the same address.
The Jewish Historical Society,
Searches can be made and certi-
Yad Washern Building,
fied copies of any entries in the
Har Hazicaran,
registers can be obtained on appli-
P.O.B. 1062,
cation to the Registrar General. The
fees are exceptionally low.
Reference may also be made to:
The Jewish Museum,
Woburn House,
Upper Woburn Place,
London W.C. 1.
Jamaica - Compulsory registration
dates from 1st April 1878 for births
and deaths and 1st January 1880 Judges - The judges are al1
for marriages. Inquiries should be appointed from members of the bar.
sent to the Registrar General, King- They can thus be traced through
Inns of Court. In addition al1 judges
of the higher courts are traceable
Jewisb Records - There has been a through Foster's ' Judges of Eng-
considerable amount of changing of land '.
surnames amongst the Jewish popu-
lation. particularly on their first
arriva1 in England. Jews present in
England in 1290 were expelled by
Edward 1 and were not permitted K
ro settle in England again until
There are two kinds of Jews, the Kenya - The Registrar General.
Sephardic Jews who had interrnar- Box 231 Nairobi, holds records of
ried with the Spanish and who were births and deaths from 1896 and
recorded as the Aristocracy of marriages from 1899.