Page 157 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 157
The Superintendent Registrar,
tained by the Churches concerned.
States Buiiding.
St. Helier,
A number of registers of Alder-
Registration of baptisms and
funerals are carried out in the ney were destroyed during the Ger-
Parish concerned and date from man Occupation, 1940 to 1945, but
approxhately 1542, Inquiries in the following are still available.
Births from 3rd August 1850, deaths
this case should be sent to,
from 2nd August 1850, marriages
from 1st July 1891. Duplicates of
The Dean,
the registers of births and deaths
St. Saviour,
from 1925 and of rnarriages from
1919 are maintained by the Regis-
Searches and certificates can be trar General of Guernse~.
Copies of Wills of Realt~ are
obtained on application either to
the Pari& concerned or to the available in tbe Registrar General's
Ofice while copies of the Wills of
Superintendent Registrar.
Copies of WiNs and Contracts Personalit~ are
relating to Real Estate are main-
tained and the records will be The Registrar to the Ecclesiastical
inspected if application is made to:
9 Lefebvre Street,
St. Peter Port,
The Judicial Greffier,
States Building.
St. Helier,
It should be noted that the Channel
Islands fa11 withia the diocese of the
Bishop of Winchester.
It should be noted that though the
nationaI language of the Island is
French, English is understood
everywhere on the IsIand, but if
me remainhg Islands nameIy
copies of documents are applied for,
in manY cases the language used is Sark. Hem, Jethou and Brecqhou,
al1 fa11 in the administration of the
States of Guernsey and inquiries
should be sent to the Registrar
Gnernsey. General of that Island.
The Registrar General's Office. LsIe of Man - This Island, which
Greffe, Guernsey maintains registers lies approximately half way between
of births and deaths since 1840. Pnor England and Ireland, is not bound
to this date records are maintained by Acts of the United Kingdom
by the Parish Churches. Registers Parliament unless specially men-
of marriages from 1919 onwards are tioned in them.
also maintained in this Office. co- The compulsory registration of
gether with registers of al1 mar- births and deaths came into opera-
riages in places other than Churches tion in 1878 and that of marriages
of the Church of England since in 1849. The completed registers
1840. Al1 other records are main- are deposited witlt.