Page 162 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 162

                                                          and  from  Protestant-  Non-Conforrnist
                              Records  -  The  Non-Parochial  Churches, but  not  al1 such churches
                              Registers  and  Records  formerly  in  kept  their  own Registers  and  many
                              the  General  Register  Office  were  of  their members and adherents had
                              transferred  in  1961  to  the  Public  their  births.  marriages  and  deaths
                              Record  Office,  where  they  may  be  recorded  in  the  Parish  Registers:
                              inspected  without  charge  by  the  the  few  Roman  Catholic  Registers
                              holders  of  Readers'  Tickets.  Tem-  come  mainly  from  the  North  of
                              porary  Readers'  Tickets  and  copies  England :  there  are  no  Jewish
                              of Information  for  Readers  will  be  Registers : with the exception of  the
                              sent  on  request.
                                For persons unable to make a per-  (Quakers) there are virtually no mar-
                              sonal  search  the  Public  Record  riage registers:  few of the Registers
                              Office  can  provide  the  names  and  are of  more recent date than  1837.
                                                                 There is  no  general  index  to  the
                              Record  Agents  who  might  be  pre-  Non-Parochial  Registers  and  no
                              par&  to  undertake  a  search.  The  search  can  be  undertaken  without
                              Public  Record  Office  accepts  no  knowing the location and preferably
                                                 arrangements  also the denomination  of  the church
                              made between  such agents and  tl~eir  at  which  the  birth,  baptism,  mar-
                              clients,  nor  can  it  supply  informa-  riage,  death  or  burial  is  likely  to
                                                               have  been  recorded.  For  larger
                              tion  as to  the  scales  of  charges  of
                              such  agents or offer  any  opinion  of
                                                               towns  searches  can  be  undertaken
                              the  probable  cost  of  any particular  only  when  the  precise  narne  of  the
                              search  undertaken  by  them.
                                                               church  can  be  given.  For  London
                                Alternatively  the  Public  Record  and its environs there are the Regis-
                              Office  js  prepared,  for  a  fee  of
                                                               ters  from  over  two  hundred
                              £3  Os.  Od.  (£3  5s. Od. for correspon-  churches  and  institutions;  search
                              dents overseas) per search, to search  will  not  be  undertaken  in  these
                              over a period of  five years and in up  unless  the  applicant  can  specify  a
                              to three registers for an entry  relat-  particular  church  or  the  Registers
                              ing  to  the  birth  (or  baptism),  rnar-  of  births  ejther  from  Dr. WiJliarus'
                              riage or death (or burial)  of  a parti-  Library  (1742-1837,
                                                                             Independents  and
                              cular  person,'and.  if  successful,  to  Presbyterians,
                              supply a  copy  of  the record  or par-  Baptists)  or  from  the  Wesleyan
                              ticulars of  the information contained  Methodist  Metropolitan  Registry
                                                                 There can be no guarantee thac an
                                A  list  of  the  two  main  classes of   Registers  of  the  Society of  Friends
                              Non-Parochial  Registers  - Lists  of  entry  relating  to a particular  person
                              Non-Parochial   Registers   and  wjll  be  located. The  Public Record
                              Records in the Cusfody of the Regis-  Office reserves the right to decline to
                              trar  General  (London,  H.M.S.O.,  make  a search.  When  a  search has
                              1859)  -  may  be  available  ar  or  been  made the fee will  be  retained,
                              through  a  public  library.  Persons  whether  or  not  any  positive  result
                              unable  to  consult  tbis  list  before  has been obtained.
                              applying  for  searches  should  bear   Applications  for  searches  should
                              the  following  in  mind:  The  Non-  be  made  on  the  appropriate  form.
                              Parochial  Registers  relate  only  to  Payments  should  be  made  in  ster-
                              England  and Wales and they do not  ling, and for the exact sum specified,
                              include  Parish  Registers  of  the  by  postal  order,  or  by  a  cheque
                              Church  of  England.  Almost  al1  are  drawn  on  an  English  account or  by
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