Page 154 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 154

Perhaps the worst  effected  in  the
                                Applications  for  searches  shouid
                              in so far as is possible be  sent in on  fire  were  the  Census Returns  prior
                              the  official form  which  will  be sup-  to  1922  and  of  those  remaining.
                              plied  on  application. The foilowing  tbere  are  twenty-three  volumes  on
                                                               County  Antrim  for  1851,  fourteen
                              details  are  asked:
                                                               volumes for County Cavan for 182  1
                                                               and in six volumes for County Lon-
                                  Full names of the Person  hos se  donderry for 183 1. For some curious
                                    birth  details are required.
                                                               reason  the  returns  for  1861,  1871,
                                  Date  of  birth  (or  approximate  188  1 and 1891 were never preserved.
                                                                 With  regard  to the Parish  records
                                  Place  of  birth.  pull  details  t0  of Protestants living in the Republic,
                                    be  given).
                                                               these  should  also  have  been
                                  Father's  name  and  occupation.  deposited  at  the  Public  Record
                                  Mother's  Christian  names  and  Offia, If they  had  been,  they  too
                                    maiden  surname.
                                                               would probably have been destroyed
                                                               in  the  fire.  Fortunately  however an
                                  Full  names  of  the  parties  con-  additional clause in  the Act allowed
                                                               a clergyman in charge  of  the Parish
                                  Date of mamiage. OF  this is un-  to  retain  his  records  provided  he
                                    known  gve a  ~eriod of  five  could  prove  adequate  storage  faci-
                                    cansecutive  Years  in  which  Iities.  Of  the  1,643  Protestant
                                            was  likely  to  have  Parishes  in  Ireland  1,006 of  those
                                    taken  place).
                                                               prior  to  1871  were  deposited  and
                                                               duly  destroyed  and  the  remaining
                                  Full  names  of  deceased.
                                                               637  are  still  retained  in  their  own
                                  Date of death (or ~eriod of. fiye  Parishes  or have  been  deposited  at
                                                       wlthln  the  Public  Record  Office  since  the
                                    which  death  is  believed  to  fire.  In  some  cases  these  registers
                                    have  occurred).
                                The Public Record  Office for the  most  cases  for  the  first  two  cen-
                              Republic of: Ireland  was established  turies  they  were  badly  kepr  but
                              in  1867. This  came  into  behg  be-  neverti~eless useful  information  can
                              cause the Public Records  of  Ireland  be  obtained from them.  A  letter  to
                              were  widely  scattered  and  badly  the  Public  Record  Oace  will
                              ~reserved. ïlere  js  a  permanent  always  give  the  answer  as  to
                              ofhial  in  charge  of  this  office  to  whether  the  records  of  a  certain
                              whom  al1  applications  should   go  back  to as early  as  1634 but  in
                                                               parish  exist  and  if  so  where  they
                              sent.                            may be found.
                                    The  Deputy  Keeper,         Inquiries with  regard  to Quakers
                               Public  Record  Office  of  Ireland,   are   kept  and  maY  be  referred
                                      The Four  Courts,        to  by  application  to:
                                                                     The Society of  Friends,
                                As  has  been  mentioned  above.       5 Eustace Street,
                              this  office  was  largely  destroyed  in     Dublin.
                              1921, but  nevertheless a  great  deal
                              of  work  has ben done where poss-   Catholic  farish  records  were not
                              ible  to reconstitute  records  and  the  recorded  as  officia1  prior  to  1829
                              gaps are not nearIy  as wide as may  and  in  fact  the  keeping  of  such
                              be  supposed.                    records  at  that  stage  was  frowned
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