Page 153 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 153
of charge providing their research is Norroy and Ulster King of Arms.
The College of Arms,
Historical, Genealogical, Antiquar-
Queen Victoria Street.
ian or Academic.
Postal queries, providing they are
London E.C.4.
for similar purposes, will generally
There are a number of Presby-
be undertaken free of charge unless
terian families in Northern Ireland
very extensive. but in this case the
and applications with regard to
query must be addressed to:
these families should be sent to:
The Secretary,
The Secretary,
The Ulster Scott Historical Society,
Church House,
Lawcourts Buiiding.
Chichester Street,
A11 inquiries with regard to an
ancestor who was resident in Ulster
should contain as much information
Legal searches are not undertaken
as possible, which for the sake of
and for this purpose it is advisable
simplicity should be tabulated in
first of al1 to contact a Belfast
roughly the following style:
solicitor to undertake such a search
on your behalf.
At the present lime the Public
Christian Narnes in full. (Tt is
Record Office contains al1 records
much easier to trace John
of Court cases in Northern Ireland,
William Brown than it is ro
officia] copies of district probate
hace John Brown).
registries dated back to 1838. (Ori-
Residence. (In as much detail as
ginal wills only from 1900), Records
of Government Departments back
Date and PIace of birth. (if îhis
to the early 19th century and private
is not available give similar
archives of important families back
details of baptism).
to approximately 1600. In addition
Religion or Occupation.
there are the usual documents to be
Date and Place of Marriage.
found in a Public Record Office
Details of wife and of chiidren.
together with papers relating to
families which in England would
normally be found in a County
Repubiic of Ireland - Eire
Record Office.
The first and most obvious place
Up to 1940, when Sir Neville to apply for details of births, deaths,
Wilkinson, Ulster King of Arms and marriages in Eire is the Regis-
died, the Office of Ulster was situ- trar General's Office which opened
ated in Dublin Castle. However, in on the 1st January 1864 when civil
that year the Irish Government registration became compulsory.
appointed its own Chief Herald and This office also contains the records
the Office of Ulster King of Arms of all Protestant marriages from
became joined to that of Norroy, 1845. The address to which to apply
situated at the College of Arms, is:
London and copies of al1 relevant
documents are retained by each. The Registrar General's Office,
Queries with regard to Ulster fami- Custom House,
lies should be sent to: Dublin.