Page 311 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 311
17-Revenu monétaire découlant de la vente des produits all'ricoleo, province d ..
Québec, 1945-56
17-Cash Income from th.. Sale of Farm Products, Province of Quebec, 1945-56
ITEM 1045 1048 10111 1050 1951
GUAlNS, 8JDM~NCll:$ J,;:T il'OIN: $'000 $'000 "000 $'000 S'OOO
Avoine.......... . , .. 028 1,8aS 2.060 2 1 1ü,5 2,6.13
Or~e ,..... . . :~:! 1 18~ 160 H11 lM
Jo'oin et tr~lI" . 3. ~I ~ 2,H2 l ,~87 l, W8 1,312
Groine ù. trolfie eL d'herbe . 413 416 576 660 404
'tOTAl, . 4,175 4,581 4.192 4,724 4,605
L'OUMfl"':8 ET AU"nE~ OHANDJl:6 C'UJJ"f]lllD8:
Pommes do torre. . . . . . . . 8 •.105 0.775 7,210 7,290 6,484
Dct!<>ravcs ,\ sllere.. Ifl7 22/1 633 1,202 1,710
L6l\umes.. 8,148 8,614 6,059 7.584 0,740
't"h"o.. 2.414 2,313 3.977 1.092 2.732
TOTAL . 19,414 20,928 18,684 18,068 20,666
B~tOB i\ roroe6 ct veaux . 32.0,18 .51,317 40,.i!l7 72,638 73.713
Mouleos et ,,!!ncaux.....•. , .•......... 3,126 2,857 2,OU\l 3,366 .1,142
Peros... " .......................•.... 37"[02 66,MO 71,3/H 66.636 95,010
Vol"iIle•................ , . 8,619 0,078 13,133 13,770 Hl ,005
TOTAL.... , •........•.... 82,085 130,812 136,893 156,209 191,23ll
PnOD1HT8 L.u'l'IER8 . 81,414 123,540 112,762 105,739 133,618
FnUIT8 . 953 3,606 4,108 3,322 5,122
A01'nme PnlNCll'AVX l'ROOOCTt'o AOnIOOLlt'B:
Oouf•............................... 11,160 22.000 20,41i.'1 1G,062 21,100
!Aine . 348 221 W8 300 504
Miel........ .. "" . 8.5n 1,227 8:'10 634 877
Produit. de l'érable..... 2.732 4,650 5.061 6,7-13 4.622
TOTAL ..•.. . 15,095 28,167 26,571 23,689 27,412
PrtOD'U[T8 AORIQOLE8 DTVl!Ua.•.••....... 6,887 7,290 6,464 6,494 8,225
PRODU"JTB 1 1 'ORl'lS1'"1'IlHS•....•. ... 23,497 36,716 33,962 35,762 45,024
FelIlMJII~ Ji roonRurucS . 2,270 832 852 1,178 1,095
'tOTAL . 236,390 356,471 356,685 437,006
l'tEM 10;'2 1053 1055 1056
GRA1N8. I!:II:ED8 "'-ND gAY: s'ooo "000 8'000 $'000 1'000
Oal•................. 2.308 2,097 1,809 1,082 2,268
B"rlcy . 03 77 64 fi6 75
Ray aod cio ver. . . . . . . . .. . ... n3G 704 656 433 103
Clavor Dnd p:rI18~ BOce1. .............•.... 863 613 70i 767 606
TOTAL•. 3,679 3,681 3,292 2,928 3,.4J2
VS:OTITA.UTJI\j~ AND OTH:r.n f'JELD cnora:
l'otutoc•................... Il, 797 fi.021 4,904 0,890 7,311
Sugar boct•... , . ( ,071 1,106 800 041 840
Vogctahle•......................... '" Il,204 11.200 0,630 9,727 10,079
1' . 2,000 2,088 3,261 3,570 4,117
TOTAL. 26,672 20,916 18,691 20,146 22,181
Llvlt STOOK:
C..LUo "od c"lvo.. . . . . . .........•.. 40.675 10,827 43.300 49,162 40,704
Shecp a!lù Jumb•.•.............•........ 2,168 2,289 2,351 2,037 2,005
HolO'.........................•.... 78,766 68,342 68.112 66.321 68,295
Poultry..... .. . 27,611 .10,352 25.700 31 ,383 89,115
'tOTAL . 155,263 111,810 139,952 151,196 1.58,208
D.URT T'nOOOC'l'a . 143,185 148,876 154,029 160,427 164,234
FnUl78 . 6,839 7,240 8,U4 5,442 6,110
OT''U~R l'filNCll'Al.. ""Rh( .-nOOOOTa:
~og~l',::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 18.0aS 21.140 20,701 20,183 22.112
J'loncy...... . . . 886 G3Z 070 727 669
Maplo PTOd"ct••. 6,865 1,572 6,666 6,047 5,821
'tOT4L . 26,0:17 26,645 28,382 27,857 28,938
Mllij(lll'LLÂNEOU8 J'AItM PllODUC1'~•• 7,542 6,907 7,125 1,447 7,753
FonF;BT PROVUe'r$ . 47,186 46,666 46,151 47,126 48,148
FUH VATIMINO ....•. 986 948 1,214 1,024 1,161
TOT ..L.•.. 417,377 393,589 406,960 424,193 440,961
NOTA.-Lc. estimations do 1052-1966 ne peuven~ être NOTE.-E.limale. for 1052-105~ aro onl .triel\y COm-
comparée. erRetelnenl 1\ eollM du "nnées anlérieur... pambl wi~h Lhooo of eurlior YenT•.